52 - The Creeping Of A New Era

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Nikolas had been wondering that himself. For him, he had obtained what he wanted. His mother would be able to live again. He was once again with his friends, and Athena had even cured his mother. He even somehow now knew the one who birthed him, even though he had never intended on searching.

He had nothing left to wish for.

Well, except for one little thing, he supposed.

For what he had now to continue. To be able to live that peaceful life with the ones he loved. But there was one thing which stood in the way.

"Zeus has ordered the death of Nikolas here..." Hades stated. "...but I believe none of us want that."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Which means only one thing." Athena spoke up. "We must get Zeus to change. Through whatever method is necessary."

"Even if...?" Persephone asked, insinuating a situation to Athena with her eyes.

"Even if it means killing him." Athena bodily declared, confirming Persephone's suspicions.

"Oh my!" Pythia gasped.

"Is...is that really okay?" Ria hesitantly asked. "Killing the Zeus?"

"It would bring a lot of troubles, such as the power struggle afterwards." Athena stated. "And Zeus is simply the most powerful being in Greece. It's not the most optimal solution."

"I agree with Athena." Hades spoke. "I'd rather not kill my brother. Not because of any particular fondness, but it simply will bring a lot of headaches."

"Zeus...he isn't going to stop trying to kill Nikolas..." Aphrodite weakly spoke. "He didn't then...he won't now..."

"Aphrodite. Is there something you haven't told us?" Accused Hephaestus.

"I was wondering the same." Athena spoke. "It feels odd that Zeus immediately tried to kill Nikolas. We all know about Zeus' many affairs."

"I honestly don't know. I didn't think he'd do that..." Her face turned bitter as she snarled furiously. "...or else I never would've told him about Nikolas."

"Then that means something is different about Nikolas." Athena deduced.

Nikolas simply shrugged. He had no idea. He didn't really care, honestly. Either Zeus would leave them alone, or he would make the god leave them alone.

But he couldn't deny he was curious about his supposed birth mother's tale. That was the reason for the scar across his eyes. That is why he was blind. He couldn't help but feel a little annoyed at that, but he honestly didn't care since it lead him to Medusa.

But that white snake was strange. She gave away his soul to a random strange snake? As much as he hated the idea, he would've been dead without. But it was still so odd-

Wait. Snake?

Memories flashed within Nikolas' head. Of the only time he ever truly "saw" something. Back when he was within his own mind after being gravely wounded by Perseus.

Long scales. Piercing eyes with a flickering tongue. It's body stretched on and fading into the distance, but it's head stared straight at him. No, more like into his soul.

That was a snake. Was it the color known as white? Had he seen the same snake which Aphrodite promised his soul to?

"You are the one I have chosen. Your story is not over yet..." The voice had spoken back then. And then he said something else strange. "...After all, a new era is underway."

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