29 - Sing For Your Soul

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Hermes laid in the air of the room, drinking his bottle of wine he just got from Dionysus. With all of the craziness going on with prophecies, the tensions in Olympus, and Athena's little pet project, he really just needed to get his mind off of things.

So here he was, doing what he did second best, because obviously delivering messages was what he did the best. And as for second best, that was lazing around, floating in the air, and drinking some good old wine.

He drank the wine straight from the bottle, eyes closed as he sighed in relaxation. Sometimes one just needed a moment to themselves. He didn't often use this room since he was always running and flying around, but it was nice to take a break every once in a while.

A knock sounded on his door.

'Oh god damn it.' Hermes inwardly groaned. 'Who is it this time? Athena? Zeus? Hera? God, I hope it's none of them.'

Hermes set down his bottle of wine on the desk, before floating over to the door and opening it to see a hooded woman. He had no idea who she was.

"Can I help you?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I-I need your help." The woman spoke. "Please...I...I beg of you."

"Who...are you?" Hermes questioned. All he knew is that this was not a mortal with the power exuding off of them.

"It doesn't matter." She replied. "Please, I just need your help."

"Alright...come inside." Hermes let her in the room, keeping an eye on her. Was she an enemy of Olympus? Was she after him?!

Wait, why would she be after him of all people? Cause he delivers the messages, duh! Oh crap!

Hermes looked at her nervously, realizing he may have just made a great mistake. "S-so what do you need help with?"

"I need to find my son." The woman stated.

"Your son?" Hermes wondered.

"Yes. I figured if anyone could find him, it'd have to be you." She replied.

"Alright then..." Hermes shrugged. "Who is your son?"

"H-he should be seventeen...with white hair...I think...and his eyes...his eyes..." Her voice became shaky, as if she was about to start crying.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to need more than that. Like his name." Hermes stated.

"I...I don't know his name." The woman shamefully admitted. "At least, what he goes by now..."

"Look, I feel really bad, but this isn't enough." Hermes replied. "There's too many people in Greece. I need to know more."

"...would knowing who his mother is help?" She asked.

"I think so." Hermes nodded. "It can give me some clues."

"Then...you mustn't tell no one. Especially not Zeus." The woman spoke. "Swear on the Styx."

"Geez..." Hermes flinched. "Alright. I swear on the Styx."

The woman sighed, then slowly took off her hood, revealing her true self to Hermes. Hermes stared at her, before his eyes widened in complete and utter shock.

"Holy shit, you!?"

. . .

"I warn you, my singing voice is nothing special." Nikolas stated.

"We've gotten this far. You can do it!" Ria cheered.

"Just...do your best." Melinoe hesitantly nodded.

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