Thank You!

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The first part of this chapter will be my usual spiel of thank you guys so much, my thoughts on the story, yadda yadda.

If you want to see what's coming in the future, skip to the bold words!

So, to anyone who has read any part of this story, or just randomly decided to click on this chapter before reading anything...

Thank you!

It really means a lot to me that all of you read and enjoy my stories. And now that The Son Of Snakes is over, that's my fourth original book completed, after MOB Volumes 1, 2, and The School Idols.

Now, time for my thoughts about the story.

To those who read this story, thank you for giving it a chance. It was definitely a more niche area, going for a story set in Ancient Greece and mythology themed instead of an original anime-esque world like MOB.

This story was the most fun I've had writing a story since the original first volume of MOB. In the summer, when I was busting out those chapters, I was just filled to the brim with inspiration and motivation.

I want to keep writing stories like this. I found this so fun, and this story quickly shot up to be my second favorite one that I've written, despite being one of my less popular.

But that doesn't matter! Cause I enjoyed it. And to anyone who also enjoyed it, I'm very happy that you did.

So, thank you all for reading. Seriously. I can never say it enough. Thank you for all of your kind comments, your reaction comments, and especially your analytical comments. I love seeing people analyze and theorize and more.

Now, let's get to the meat of things. First, some announcements, and then me asking some questions as I always do to get your guys inputs and thoughts for my pleasure and future writing!

1 - What's next for TSOS?

As some may know, as I've stated it before, there are no plans for a sequel for TSOS in the near future. While it definitely could happen one day, for now I'm going to leave this story where it is.

But, while chapter 65 was technically the epilogue...TSOS isn't quite over.


I'm going to be doing something new...

Bonus chapters!

Because TSOS is more plot based, I'm going to, at the very least, going to have one chapter for each of the five girls. Possibly some more, but I wouldn't bet on it.

These chapters ARE CANON, and will likely take place after the epilogue, unless otherwise stated.

Now that the main story of TSOS is done, I'll also begin uploading chapters for MOB and MONSTER again, sorry about the hiatus on those.

But, there's also another big thing coming soon...


As some may know from my announcements, the next story is going to be a yandere and superhero themed one.

And, I have a rough release date. The plan is for this story to debut in November. If things change I will make sure to state so, but this is the current idea.

I'm not going to spoil anything about the story, but I'm really excited for this one. I have LOVED superheroes since I was a kid and I'm so stoked to finally be writing a story about superheroes myself.

Besides, I've read a few good ones on Wattpad and it'll be fun to finally throw my hat into the circle.

Plus, yanderes. I know y'all like yanderes.

Also, a note about that. These yanderes are not going to be like TSI yanderes. That was my attempt at a darker, more horror like story. I personally prefer the more fantastical like yanderes.

BUT, I am going to make more conflict between the yanderes. I'm going to try to increase the conflict and yandereness of the girls while still making them memorable and likeable.


Now, it's time for question time, one of my favorite times. Comment on as little or as many questions as you'd like. I'll appreciate every response and comment, and please feel free to explain and explore your ideas!

So, here we go!

Who is your favorite character in the story? Why?

Who is your favorite girl? Why?

Who is your favorite side character? Why?

Who was your favorite villain/antagonist? Why?

Did you like the protagonist, Nikolas?

Should I do more unique stories like this one?

What was your favorite moment?

What was the funniest moment?

What was your favorite fight scene?

I tried to put in some themes/messages within the story. What do you think one was?

Should I continue to incorporate deeper themes into my stories?

Would you like [Extras] chapters for TSOS?

Any questions for me about the story?

What's something you would like to possibly see included in my future superhero story?

All right, thank you everyone! To those who read, commented, followed me on this journey, or even just decided to stop by this one chapter...

Thank you!

I appreciate all of you.

And see y'all next time~!

UF25, out!

Oi, what're you still doin here? I'm still trying to think up of a name for the superhero story, you're gonna have to wait a little longer.

Okay, fine, but it isn't final! So don't be surprised if it changes! tell me if it's good or not though.

Just An Ordinary Henchman
Coming this November!

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