Bonus 5 - The Goddess Of The Hunt

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Artemis sat in the branches of the tree, her bow aimed and ready as she sat in wait. She was hyper focused, not moving a single muscle as she looked and listened.

A small crunch from a little distance away was all she needed to quickly readjust and release the string. The arrow sped through the air, quickly making contact with the distant target. The faint sound of the deer's body hitting the ground told her of the result.

Artemis grinned, looking over to her side. Sitting on the branch as well, staying perfectly silent, was Nikolas. He had his own bow as well, slung over his shoulder as he patiently waited.

"Try and best that." Artemis challenged.

Nikolas pulled his bow off of his shoulder, reaching back to his quiver and pulling out one of his arrows. He placed it onto the bow, bringing it up and pointing it as he pulled the string back.

Artemis watched as he slowly started to adjust, changing how he pointed the bow. Before even knowing where his target was he already started accounting for the wind and other external factors.

For most, that wouldn't work without knowing where their target actually was. But considering who Nikolas was, she didn't doubt he would be able to pull it of easily.

For a good while they stated still, Artemis simply gazing at Nikolas as he waited for another deer to wander by. And finally, after a while that was still too short for her, a sound was made.

Instantly Nikolas swiveled, letting go of the arrow. It soared through the air, slightly bending as the wind pushed it straight into the jugular of the deer in the distance. The deer fell down, quickly dispatched.

"Good shot." Artemis stated. "But mine was further."

She hopped down from the tree, shortly followed by Nikolas. "We will have a good dinner tonight." He spoke.

Artemis simply smiled to herself as the two of them went and retrieved their conquests. Artemis loved traveling in the wild, the hunting, and the feasts afterwards. She used to do it every day when she lead her group, but she had opted to join the Xeno.

For a while, her usual activities would be reduced. But that didn't bother her too much. She had an eternity to hunt, she could spend a few years traveling with others on a ship.

But that didn't mean she wouldn't jump on a chance to hunt when available. It was her blood and soul, after all.

So when they had come to Crete, Artemis knew she needed to go hunting. The forests in Crete were immaculate and easily one of the best hunting grounds in all of Greece.

They grabbed the two deer, carrying them as they walked their way back to the rest of the group at the camp they had set up.

Artemis sighed contently to herself as the two walked in silence. It was just so comforting to be able to enjoy what she loved with the man she had fallen for.

She never thought that she would ever think those words. She was undoubtedly committed to never falling for a man for her whole life. In fact, she had mostly despised them for the time she had been alive.

But not all of them were horrible. Yes, there were quite the many, but then there were some like Nikolas. He helped her realize just how foolish she had been.

Greece has been changing. The Olympians have been changing. She needed to change as well.

"Nikolas." She spoke, stopping in her tracks.

Nikolas turned towards her voice, tilting his head in confusion. "What is it?"

"I have fallen for you." Artemis stated.

The two of them stood in silence for a moment, alone in the middle of the forest.

"I thought you were forbidden?" Nikolas asked.

"For a long time, I was." Artemis nodded. "My hunters and I had sworn ourselves from love. But now, I realize, that isn't how things should be."

"I talked to my hunters before I left." Artemis continued. "We're allowed to love, and we'll always have each other's backs."

She stepped closer to Nikolas.

"And so I state it once again. I have fallen for you Nikolas." Artemis said with a determined look. "Take pride, being the only man to have made the Goddess of the Hunt swoon."

Nikolas cracked a tiny smile.

"Then I shall." He stated.

He leaned in, Artemis following as they locked lips. She closed her eyes, sinking into the wondrous feeling which stemmed from her lips. Nothing else except for them mattered in this moment.

And now, he was hers. And she was his.

And sure, there are four others she'll be sharing him with. But she'll fight tooth and nail to be his number one.

It'll be her new greatest conquest.

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