Bonus 1 - The Captain Of The Xeno

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Nikolas stood at the edge of the ship, feeling the crisp sea wind lightly brush past his face as the Xeno crossed the waves of the ocean.

Once again they were sailing, continuing onwards on this journey that all started when he met her.

Their captain.

He had gotten used to being on the boat finally, and it didn't nearly bother him as much as it did when he first stepped foot in one. He trusted that he wouldn't be flung into the ocean to drown unless something surprising happened.

Such as when the mother-killer Perseus somehow returned. Well, it hadn't mattered because Nikolas took him out once again.

He took deep breaths, trying to use the gentle rocking of the boat and the lightly chill breeze to calm himself down. He could hear his heart thumping rapidly, tearing apart his chest even though nothing was going on.

Flashes of pain reflected in his mind. Countless memories of his own death. Every time they surfaced back in his mind, it was always a different one. He had lost track of how many so seemingly long ago.

And yet, it had been barely any time. None of that had truly happened. Nikolas hadn't died, and had made true on his promise.

Even still, he couldn't help his hand from lightly shaking, or the bead of sweat which slowly trailed down his forehead. Those memories simply refused to leave him alone.

"Nikolas?" A voice suddenly asked from behind.

Nikolas turned around, surprised he hadn't noticed the approaching person beforehand. He instantly recognized her voice, how could he not?

It was his captain, the leader of the Xeno.


"Yes?" Nikolas replied, keeping a straight face.

"We were thinking of stopping at land in a few hours." She stated. "Thoughts?"

"That should be fine." Nikolas quickly replied, although his mind seemed elsewhere.

Ria looked at him, a tinge of worry crossing her face. It wasn't the first time he had spaced out since his "death" at the hands of Ouroboros and his return afterwards.

Nikolas didn't make it obvious, as he never does, but something had happened. Ria felt she had become much better at reading him over this journey despite him almost always keeping the same face.

"Hey..." She spoke, lightly placing her hand on Nikolas' arm. He turned back towards her, focused once more upon her.

" can always talk to me if something is bothering you." Ria stated. "I'm here for you."

Those words entered Nikolas' ears and suddenly it was if everything just went away. All the pain, suffering, and torment. His mind became clear and his hands stopped shaking.

And yet his heart was still pounding.

But in a different way this time.

A much different way.

This time it wasn't unpleasant.

No, it was that same "sickness" which had been plaguing both the others and himself for quite the while now.

But it was more than just a sickness.

It was love.

"Thank you, Ria." Nikolas placed his hand on her shoulder, earning a small squeak in response as Ria's face burned red.

"O-oh, no problem!" Ria laughed, tugging at her shirt nervously.

"Ria..." Nikolas continued, taking a step forwards.

"Y-yes...?" Ria stuttered as he got close.

He leaned down so they were face to face, their noses almost touching.

"I love you." He stated.

"E-eh?!" Ria exclaimed, her heart feeling like it was exploding at the words.

Had she really just heard him right?

And then he leaned forwards.

The two stood there, lips connected, as Nikolas' arms wrapped around her waist and her's around his neck. They stood there for a moment, basking in the beautiful day as they shared an incredible moment.

And then they reluctantly separated. Nikolas brought his hand to his lips, humming a sweet sound in response while Ria stood there dazed, still unbelieving of what just occurred.

'We...we kissed!' Her mind finally caught up. 'He said he loves me!'

"Nikolas..." Ria shyly spoke. "...I love you too."

And then, Ria watched as once again a smile came to Nikolas' face. The rare sight that had only occurred a very few times, and her words had led to this one.

And his smile was beautiful.

She loved it.

She loved him.

And then, satisfied, with a full heart and a new pep in her step, she turned around only to see almost every single person on the Xeno staring at them in shock.

Including the four girls she counted as her rivals.

"I knew it!" Cried out one crewmate.

"Damn it! I lost?!" The second one collapsed to the ground in sadness.

"This...isn't over..." The third one gasped.

Ria sighed, before letting out a light giggle and a smirk. "All right crew, come on! Let's get somewhere to rest!"

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