5 - Duel To The Death

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Perseus thrust his arms forwards, lightning arcing off and hurtling towards Nikolas in an instant with a thunderous boom. It destroyed the arrow and slammed into Nikolas' chest in a second, sending him flying backwards into the wall.

Smoke rose from his chest as Nikolas slumped down. Perseus grinned. Well, that was easy. Who could possibly stand towards him?

And then Nikolas started to stand up.

Perseus stared in shock as Nikolas got back to his feet. A smoking hole was on his shirt, but after a quick feel, Nikolas could tell that he was barely damaged from the lightning strike. Anybody else and they would have been dead. He was only a little singed.

Nikolas wasn't sure why, but he was thankful. Nothing could stop him, not when he was so close.

"What?!" Perseus exclaimed.

Nikolas readied his bow once again, grabbing another arrow from the quiver. Perseus grit his teeth, thrusting his arms forwards once again and sending another devastating lightning strike forwards with another thunderous boom.

Nikolas tilted his body out of the way, able to expect it this time. He pulled the string back, aiming the weapon and listened intently. He heard as Perseus rushed towards him, the footsteps quickly increasing in speed and sound.

Nikolas flung the arrow, sending it flying towards Perseus, who caught it in the air. With not a second to waste Nikolas pulled out another one, cocked the bow, and sent the arrow flying towards Perseus' leg.

Perseus jumped out of the way, only for a sudden third arrow to slam into his stomach. He cried out in pain, rolling across the ground before getting to his feet and sending a kick towards Nikolas.

Nikolas barely dodged out of the way, Perseus' leg grazing his skin. Perseus grit his teeth as he dashed at Nikolas again. He need to end this soon. If only he had his sword!

Nikolas dodged his swift punch, sending his own fist into Perseus' stomach. He placed his bow back into his back as Perseus gasped for air, before grabbing the hero's hair and slamming him into the wall.

"Get...off...me!" Perseus screamed, and with a sudden surge of incredible strength Nikolas was thrown backwards and into the wall.

Nikolas quickly dodged Perseus' next punch, which impacted the wall right by his head. The strike was so strong that it created lengthy cracks across the wrong.

Nikolas kicked Perseus away, before the two dashed at each other and locked their hands as they struggled to overpower the other. They both shook as they put their full power against the other.

"How are you as strong as me?!" Perseus threw their arms to the side, before gripping his hands together and slamming them across Nikolas' face. Nikolas stumbled backwards as Perseus angrily followed.

"I am a Demi-God!" Perseus slammed another fist into Nikolas, sending him to the ground.

"Can't you see?!" Perseus screamed as he got on top of Nikolas. "I am the son of Zeus! ZEUS!" He violently punched Nikolas in the face, sending his head recoiling back.

Before Nikolas could recover he was hit with another punch, and another punch, and another punch. Perseus sat on top, stopping his assault as he breathed heavily.

Nikolas' face was bruised and bloody. He was done. He laid completely still.

"Finally." Perseus sighed. His eyes drifted over to the bandana across the intruder's eyes. Was he seriously having that much trouble with a blind man? Or was it something else? What was he hiding under that bandana?

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