35 - Gem Of The Ocean

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As always, pitch darkness.

He had been used to not seeing anything his whole life. He didn't even know what it was like to "see". What it was like to gaze upon the sea. What it was like to see another person. What it was like to distinguish color.

But for his other senses to be fading as well...

He didn't want to admit it.

But it scared him.

It scared him greatly.

'This...is it, isn't it?' He thought to himself, feeling as he sunk deeper within the water.

This was why he was always cautious when it came to bodies of water. He knew he'd be hopeless if he ever fell. This was what he got for traveling around on a boat.

It was bound to happen.

But he couldn't help the fear which coursed through his veins.

His strength was leaving him. His feeling was leaving him. Soon enough he would be left with nothing.

No sight. No hearing. No touching. No feeling. No tasting. He could barely even feel the water which had flooded his mouth earlier.

For the first time since that day...

He was genuinely afraid.

'Damn it...how did he return...?' Nikolas feebly thought. 'I'm sorry mother...it seems I didn't avenge you after all...'

His body was getting heavier.

His senses were practically gone.

'I will see you soon...' Nikolas weakly thought.

For a moment he thought heard a familiar voice. But it was far too muffled and in the distance. A figment of his imagination.

Here he was, thinking about them.





Even Harold and Hilga.

Why? Why was it that he didn't want to leave yet?

Why did he want to stay within that accursed world when his mother was down in the Underworld? Why did he favor getting there the difficult way, rather than simply through death like first planned?

He couldn't even say it was because of the return of his mother's killer, Perseus. Because as much as he wanted to, he knew that wasn't the case.

Damn it.

He had tried so hard to lock away his feelings for the past seven years. Then that Captain had to appear and screw it all up.

He was feeling again.

Or, he was. How funny was it that he was now losing all feeling at this very moment?

He could feel the last of his strength leave him as he weakly extended his arm upwards. It was then stuck there as he drifted downwards, losing the final touches of his senses.

He couldn't see.

He couldn't hear.

He couldn't feel.

He couldn't taste.

He couldn't smell.

He was left with nothing.

He was nothing.

'I'm...scared...' His final thoughts emerged in the darkness. 'Mo...ther...'

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