31 - Buffet With The King

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"We're really doing this, huh?" Bellerophron muttered.

"Yep." Ria replied.

"Remember the plan?" Era asked.

"Of course." Bellerophron replied. "We eat first, then get one of those treasures he's allowing us, then strike when he's vulnerable."

"Good." Melinoe nodded. "But be ready to be flexible. The highest priority is to kill King Sisyphus."

"I am somewhat flexible, but I fail to understand how that helps us kill the king in this situation." Nikolas commented, stretching his body.

"No, we want the plan to be flexible." Ria sweatdropped.

"I understand." Nikolas nodded. "I shall stay alert."

Nikolas, Ria, Melinoe, Era, and Bellerophon all walked up to the front of the building, where two guards stood on either side of the main entrance doors. Melinoe had kept the helmet on, and with no other armor equipped, it was quite the odd sight.

"Your tickets?" The guards asked, slightly suspicious.

They each pulled out a small slip of paper, the tickets which they had been delivered for winning the Isthmian Games. They handed the tickets to the guards, and after a brief inspection, they were free to enter the building.

"Go ahead." The guards stepped to the side.

They walked through the doors to discover a large banquet hall with an incredibly long table filled to the brim with various kinds of foods.

Ria and Bellerophron jaws opened as they looked upon the visual. They could feel their mouths watering simply at the sight.

Many people were sat at the tables, rich men who likely often dined with King Sisyphus. However, five seats had been left empty; the ones closest to the king himself.

They walked over to the open seats, Melinoe and Nikolas sitting on one side while on the other side of the table sat Era, Ria, and Bellerophron.

'I can't believe she just followed Nikolas and sat right next to him!' Ria inwardly gasped. 'A-am I just being paranoid...or...?'

"Congratulations!" King Sisyphus grinned. "That was a splendid performance your group showcased at the Isthmian Games this year."

"Thank you." Nikolas lightly nodded.

"I see you're still wearing your helmet." King Sisyphus looked at Melinoe. "I'm sure with a voice as beautiful as yours, that you are just as splendid."

Before Melinoe could form a response, Ria quickly took over. "S-She's a little shy, so she probably won't take it off. She can eat like that."

"Interesting." King Sisyphus replied. "However, I am sure that a stunning woman lays behind that helmet, should you wish to take it off."

He looked at the helmet, his eyes narrowing. "That helmet..." He muttered. "...it looks quite familiar."

"She got it from an auction." Era explained. "No one was bidding so we grabbed it to help with her shy condition."

"I see." King Sisyphus clapped his hands together. "I remember now. You must've been at the Stormcloud Auction. Every once in a while I'll send them some goods to sell. I appreciate the purchase."

"O-oh, it's not a problem." Ria waved him off.

"Which reminds me..." King Sisyphus steered the conversation in another direction. "...after the buffet, I will show you the treasures you may choose from. It's only one for the whole group."

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