40 - Wisdom's Truth

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They were silent, staring at the scene in shock. Even Pythia, who couldn't see, heard what happened. Heard the sound of the sword as it went straight through him.

Nikolas stood for a moment, the sword stabbed straight through his chest. The edge pointed out the other side far enough to where there was just as much sword behind Nikolas as in front of him.

It was a truly gruesome sight to see someone you loved, respected, or simply admired be speared in such a brutal way.

Blood seeped from the wound, staining his shirt red. Nikolas continued standing, before slowly sinking to his knees.

"Nikolas!" Ria cried out, running forwards. She grabbed his body, staring at the sword in fear. She looked back and forth between him and the sword, muttering to herself.

This couldn't be happening. They had just had a close call. He couldn't be in death's door again! It wasn't fair!

"Nikolas!" Ria wailed, shoving her face into his shoulder as she held his body close.

"Shit!" Melinoe cursed, running towards them. "Damn it, damn it!"

She got close, looking to see where the sword was stabbed into him. Straight through the chest. It had likely gone through his heart.

There was no possible way he'd be surviving. No amount of time could heal a wound like that.

She quickly turned away, biting her lip as she covered her eyes. She tried to fight the hot, salty tears that forced their way through her eyes.

"H-how bad is it?" Pythia whispered.

"...it's bad." Bellerophon cringed, barely able tot ale the sight. "He...he saved us. But...he'll be with his mother soon."

"No!" Pythia gasped, bringing her hands to her mouth in horror.

Era finally moved, walking towards Nikolas with a thundering pace. Each one of her footsteps was made with sheer determination and a clear directive in mind. She had made her decision.

"Ria." Era spoke firmly. "Listen to me carefully and follow my instructions. This won't be his end."

"...what?" Ria looked up at her, tears clouding her eyes.

Melinoe wiped her eyes, looking towards her in surprise. "You don't mean..."

Similarly to the shield from before Era whisked a new item from seemingly nowhere. It was a vial of a stunning, golden liquid. It seemed to capture your eyes with just a glance, and you couldn't help but want a taste.

"What is that?" Ria asked.

"Nectar." Melinoe stated. "The drink of the gods. Are you serious?"

"I am." Era replied. "Do you not agree with my judgement?"

"No, I completely agree." Melinoe kneeled. "Please save him."

"You can't be serious, that's nectar...?" Ria gasped. She had heard the legendary tales of the drink, just as many others in Greece had.

"How?" Bellerophon muttered.

"Well, Miss Era is a goddess." Pythia stated nonchalantly. "This is great! He can be saved!"

Bellerophon looked at Pythia with an 'are you serious?' expression. "She's a what now?"

"Melinoe. Ria. Follow my instructions." Era ordered.

The two immediately nodded.

"Ria, hold his body. I'm going to need you to pull out the sword, Melinoe." Era continued. "Are you up to that?"

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