61 - To Confront The King

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Nikolas winced as he could feel the scales spread across his skin. Slowly, a transformation was happening. It wouldn't be long until he was going to fully inherit Medusa's curse.

What did that truly mean? He had no clue. All he knew is that everyone would be safe from being turned to stone.

And he didn't have the time to worry about it, anyways.

The group followed Hera through the beautiful landscape of Mount Olympus. Who would've thought that at the tip of a humongous mountain laid such a stunning and wonderful view? With the fresh green of the grass and the spectacular marble which shone the purest white underneath the warm, bright sun, it was no wonder the Olympians had chosen here for their home.

They came to a stop in front of the largest of the marble buildings. There was an eerie silence among them all, a tense worry in the air. From here on, anything could happen.

Athena took a deep breath, nodding to Hera. Hera nodded back, and the two took the front of the line as they opened the doors and entered the main hall of Olympus, the others shortly following.

Zeus sat on his throne, eyes glued to them as if he knew they were already coming. He stayed silent, simply oppressing them with an smoldering gaze as he sat upon his throne.

"Zeus." Hera spoke.

"Hera." Zeus simply replied. "Speak. Now."

"Zeus, I believe we need to talk." Athena spoke up. "Considering the fact you hid a prophecy and attempted to kill your own son."

"I did what was best for Greece." Zeus spat. "I will not hear your disagreement. Surely you must understand of all people, Athena. You heard the prophecies!"

"I did, indeed." Athena nodded. "And they are far too vague for you to make such bold assumptions."

"Please Zeus, listen to reason." Hera begged. "I do not wish to see you become like-"

"Quiet!" Zeus screamed. "To think that my fellow Olympians would turn on me. Even the twins have been bought by your misdirection."

"Misdirection?" Athena scowled.

"If I am to die, then Greece is doomed." Zeus declared. "Who else can go against my father?"

"And if you're so powerful, then why are you so afraid?!" Hera yelled. "I'm tired of this, Zeus!"

"So am I." Zeus spat. "But thankfully, you've brought my son right to me. It seems we can end this now."

Athena opened her mouth to speak, fury boiling under her skin at Zeus' arrogance to not even see clearly. He had no intention of changing his mind from the first words they spoke. He was as stubborn as stubborn could be.

But she stopped, feeling a hand on her shoulder. She glanced back, seeing Nikolas with a serious face. He walked forwards in front of everyone, standing in full view for Zeus.

"You." Zeus growled.

"Concede." Nikolas stated.

"What?" Zeus paused.

"Concede." Nikolas stated once more.

Zeus sat there in silence, before he started to shake. His face contorted into a furious rage, a snarl coming from his mouth as he glared upon his son.

"Do you truly think I'd be so foolish?!" Zeus shouted, standing from his throne with his fists clenched so tight that they'd snap a weapon in half.

"Yes." Nikolas replied.

"By the gods-" Athena brought out her shield, looking behind her at the others. "Get ready!"

Zeus didn't even respond, simply raising his hand as a bright flash stunned their eyes. It was quickly followed by a thunderous roar as they slowly opened their eyes to see a mass of pure lightning bundled in Zeus' hand.

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