21 - On The Way To Corinth

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Sailing away from the unnamed island, Ria couldn't help but have a smile on her face, being able to finally help her mother, the one which had inspired her goal of becoming the greatest Captain in Greece.

"Is he alright?" Melinoe glanced towards Nikolas, who was standing completely still in the middle of the ship. No one could tell exactly what he was doing, whether it was him simply relaxing or if he was deep in thought.

"He seems to do that sometimes." Era replied.

Nikolas was a hard one to read, even for Era herself. The blank, emotionless face he wore at all times gave no hints to others about how he felt.

"Hey, Captain! How far are we from Corinth?" Melinoe yelled to Ria, who stood at the wheel, helping guide the ship as the crew used the oars.

"It'll be a couple days!" Ria replied. "You see that land on our right?"

Melinoe looked out to the right, seeing a long stretch of land in the distance, which went as far as the eye could see both backwards and forwards from their location.

"That's an isthmus, where Athens is at one end of it, and Corinth is at the other. So we just need to follow this and we'll basically be there." Ria explained.

"...what is an isthmus?" Melinoe asked.

"A narrow strip of land with sea on either side that links together two larger forms of land." Era answered.

"Why do both of you know that?" Melinoe sweatdropped.

"Storm." Nikolas suddenly spoke, finally moving from his spot which he had been standing still in for hours.

"Storm?" Melinoe wondered.

"Yes." Nikolas nodded. "A storm is approaching. The air has started to cool. It is coming from..."

He put his finger up in the air, before pointing it in the direction opposite of the isthmus.

"Shit." Ria cursed. "There's been so many storms recently. Is it coming this way?"

"It seems so." Nikolas replied.

"Hold on, how does he know this?" Melinoe asked.

"He can kind of read the air." Ria replied. "Last time he predicted a storm, he was completely right."

"Wow, that's...impressive." Melinoe nodded. "And useful too."

"Thank you." Nikolas responded.

"How interesting..." Era muttered, eyeing her blind companion.

"How bad is the storm, for us?" Melinoe asked.

"Best case scenario, this storm is small and we can just go through it quickly." Ria spoke. "Worst case scenario is that it's larger. We'd have to stop and get shelter. Can't risk anyone getting sick or washed away."

"Is there any way to outrun it, or avoid it?" Melinoe wondered.

"Not with that isthmus." Ria replied. "We've basically been blocked in by it. If it's small, it's not an issue. It's only if it's large."

"I believe I have some bad news." Era spoke, pointing towards the direction of the storm. Ria and Melinoe looked that direction, only to pale at the sight.

"That's not a small storm..." Ria muttered.

"Damn it." Melinoe cursed.

It stretched from their whole view of left to right, and possibly even further, seemingly rivaling the isthmus in size. The dark sky and the billowing clouds slowly drifted towards them, and while it would be some time, there was no chance they'd make it to Corinth before it hit.

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