17 - The Key To Her Past

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One month had finally passed, and the 58th auction was here. This night, once again at the Stormcloud Inn, they would entering the auction once again.

But until then, Nikolas was finishing his final shift at Albert's medicine store.

"Albert." Nikolas spoke as he placed an item onto the shelf. "I do not know how much longer we will be staying in Athens."

"I understand." Albert smiled. "I do appreciate all of the work you've done here though. It helps a lot."

"Thank you for hiring me." Nikolas responded. "And for the medicine."

"It's my pleasure." Albert replied. "I like helping people. That's why I made a shop of medicine. So that I could help people, while making a living."

Nikolas simply nodded at his words.

"Do you...mind if I ask something?" Albert requested. "I don't want to be rude of course!"

"Go ahead." Nikolas stated.

"You are blind, correct?" Albert wondered. "That is why you wear that blindfold, and have a walking stick?"

"Yes." Nikolas replied. Albert hadn't mentioned it once until now, despite the obvious helpfulness of sight for work. That had surprised Nikolas.

"I may have something that could help with that, if you'd like." Albert stated. "However, I've never had to use it before, so I don't know how effective it would really be."

"I appreciate the offer..." Nikolas spoke. "...But this isn't curable. It's...an injury."

"I see." Albert squinted. "Does it ever hurt?"

Nikolas brought his hand up to his face, tracing his scar that went across his eyes from through the blindfold. Something which he never let anyone see...except for his mother.

Because even if he had never seen it, or anything else, he knew it wasn't a flattering sight. It was simply something that he had accepted. It was a fact.

"Yes." Nikolas admitted. "Rarely."

Sometimes he would feel the lingering pain of the scar. Whenever that would happen, his Mother would set his head down on her lap and gently rub it as she would lightly sing, trying to soothe the pain away.

"Here. Take this." Albert suddenly tossed him something.

Nikolas heard it through the air, moving his hand to catch it. He rubbed the object, tapping on it, wondering what it was. It seemed to be some sort of container.

"There's some ointment." Albert stated. "It's used for relieving pain. I'm not sure exactly how helpful it will be, but it's a small token of my appreciation for the past few weeks."

"Thank you." Nikolas stated.

"You're welcome." Albert smiled. "If you ever come back to Athens, or need some medical help, feel free to stop by. I'll always be open."

"Then maybe I shall." Nikolas replied, before a thought struck his mind. "I have a question of my own."

"Of course. What is it?" Albert wondered.

"What kind of sickness causes an increased heartbeat?" Nikolas asked.

"Increased...heartbeat?" Albert wondered if he heard him right.

"Yes." Nikolas nodded.

"Any other symptoms?" Albert asked.

"The heartbeat increases when touching." Nikolas stated.

"When...touching?" Albert asked for confirmation once again.

"Yes." Nikolas confirmed.

Albert looked at Nikolas in confusion. "Do you mean...love sickness?"

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