Chapter 1: I'll chase you out of the yard with a shotgun

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A/N: So, this chapter will be cut in half. Just to let you know. If you see the title of an episode with a number next to it means that its part one, two, so on and so forth of the episode. So this one is: In my time of dying 1. Hope you enjoy.

Alexis went in and out of consciousness for a little bit. She opens her eyes to see a man with black eyes, a demon, rip the door off the car.

"Get back...or I'll kill you, I swear to God." She hears Sam threaten him.

"You won't. You're saving that bullet for someone else."

Sam cocks the gun. "You wanna bet?"

And after that Alexis lost consciousness again.


The next time Alexis woke up the sun had risen, and the light was blinding. Once her sight cleared she realized she was on a stretcher. She heard the sound of a helicopter.

"Where's Dean? Is he okay?" Were the first words that fell from her lips. She ignores the blinding pain that was everywhere, needing to know if he was okay. "What about Sam? Where are they?"

"Calm down. You need to stay still. You might hurt yourself." She heard a voice as a shadow leans over her.

"Where are they?" She turns her head the best she can to see people rushing an unconscious Dean to the helicopter. "No! Dean! Let me up. I have to get to him."

"Honey, you need to calm down and stay still."

"No. Please. I have-I have to get to him." She sobs.

Alexis continues to fight against the people trying to help her and they had no choice but to sedate her.

"No! I have-I can-just let me save....." Alexis' vision starts to blur then everything went black.


Alexis woke up to the sound of the heart monitor beeping. She groans, sitting up. The action causes pain to flare throughout her body. She pulls the thin sheet off of her legs and swings her legs off the bed. The cold tile of the hospital floor touches her feet causing her to shiver.

She looks down at her arm, then rips the IV out of her arm.

She pushes herself to her feet, which sent another rush of pain through her. Especially her right knee.

Alexis jerks to head in the direction of the door when she heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. In the doorway stood a doctor.


Alexis wanders down the hall, limping slightly. The doctors had said they didn't expect her to wake up so soon.

Alexis pulls on the hem of her shirt as she walks down the hall in silence. The doctor's told her she was okay. Free to go. Nothing major had happened to her in the car accident. And anything that had worried them was healing nicely. They also said that she was healing incredibly fast.

They also said as long as she checks in with them every once in a while she could wander around, or even leave the hospital. Her first stop was Deans room.

Since they only allowed family members in she told them that she was his wife. It just slipped out, she didn't even think when she said that.

Alexis' hands start to shake as they come to a stop. She takes a deep breath before stepping into the room. Tears fill her hazel eyes when she sees Dean hooked up to a bunch of different wires, tubes, and machines. She slowly makes her way over to him.

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