Chapter 13: When we're burning in hell together

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No exit 1

"Los Angeles, California." Dean starts as he closes the trunk of the car.

"What's in LA?"Sam asks.

"Young girl's been kidnapped by an evil cult." Dean says as they walk around the car.


"Sounds like fun." Alexis nods as she pulls out the notebook where she wrote down the possible case she found through Mae.

"Girl got a name?" Sam asks.

"Katie Holmes."

Sam laughs a little. "That's funny. And for you, so bitchy."

A crashing noise came from inside the Roadhouse. And then came the sound of Ellen and Jo yelling.

"Whereas on the other hand, catfight." Dean gestures to the Roadhouse. The three start to walk toward the bar.

"What are you gonna do, chain me up in the basement?" Alexis hears Jo yell at her mother.

"You know what, you've had worse ideas than that." Ellen fires back. "You don't wanna stay, don't . Go back to school."

"I didn't belong there. I was a freak with a knife collection."

"Yeah, but getting yourself killed on some dusty back-road, that's where you belong?" Ellen turns around to see Sam, Dean, and Alexis. "Guys, bad time."

"Yeah, I gathered that." Alexis mutters, stuffing her hands in her pockets and looking down at the floor.

"Yes, ma'am." Sam nods his head.

"Yeah, we rarely drink before 10 anyway." Dean notices Alexis shifting uncomfortably and he sets a hand on her waist. Butterflies fill her stomach, just like they normally do when Dean touches her. The three start to walk away.

"Wait." Jo calls out. "I wanna know what they think about this."

"I don't care what they think." Ellen yells at her daughter.

Then a family walks in.

"Are you guys open?" The man asks.

"No!" "Yes!" Jo and Ellen shout at the same time.

"We'll just check out the Arby's down the road." The man and his wife walk out the door.

"You mean I could be at Arby's right now, but instead I'm here. Listening to them fight." Alexis mumbles under her breath. The phone starts to ring and Jo gives her mother a look. Ellen rolls her eyes and go's to answer the phone.

"Harvelle's." Ellen pauses. "Yeah, Preacher."

Jo turns to the three, holding out a folder. "Three weeks ago, a young girl disappears from a Philadelphia apartment"

Dean gives her a look. Then it clicks, this has to be the apartment the Mae recently moved into. She was telling Alexis about this when they last talked. She hadn't heard from Mae in a while. Alexis was certain it was a case when Mae had explained what happened, but she had forgotten to tell the Winchester's.

"Take it, it won't bite." Jo tells him.

"No, but your mom might." After a second Dean grabs the folder.

"This girl wasn't the first. Over the past 80 years, six women have vanished all from the same building, all blondes. Only happens every decade or two, so cops never eyeball the pattern. So, we're either dealing with a very old serial killer--"

Dean cuts her off as he looks through the folder. "Who put this together? Ash?"

"I did it myself."

"Good job. And I have a friend in Philadelphia that was telling about something like this. So, maybe something really is going on." Alexis looks over at the brothers.

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