Chapter 56: I can fix it

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All hell breaks loose part one 1

"Don't forget the extra onions this time, huh?" Dean hands Sam some money as they sit in front of the diner.

"Dude, I'm the one who's gonna have to ride in the car with your extra onions." Sam complains before getting out of the car.

"Hey, see if they got any pie." Dean calls out. Sam gives him a look, closing the door. "Bring me some pie! I love me some pie."

Alexis groans as she lays in the backseat. "Quit yelling."

Dean turns to in his seat, reaching over and setting a hand on her thigh. "Sorry, baby. You're still feeling like crap?"

"I feel like I'm gonna pass out any second. Dean, something bad is coming. Something really, really bad. I can feel it."

"Come here, sit up." Dean tells her. Alexis sighs, hissing as dizziness washes over her.

"What?" She asks.

Dean sets a hand on the side of her face. "Hey, sweetheart, look, everything--"

The radio started to cut in and out, static taking over. Dean turns around, tapping the radio. He glances in the diner to see it empty. "Come on, Lexi. We gotta go." Dean steps out of the car, opening her door as well.

"No, leave me here. Everything hurts. Especially my back." She sets a hand on the spot of her lower back that was killing her.

"I can't leave you here. Come on." Dean picks her up and throws her over his shoulder with ease.

"Easy with the man-handling, asshole."

Dean walks in the diner to see a man sitting at the table, blood poring from his neck. Dean gently sets Alexis down. "Stay here. Okay?" He pulls out his gun. "Sam?"

Dean wanders to the back door, opening it. "Sam?" He lets the door close again. "Sulfur." He states, noticing the substance on his hand. He quickly moves back to Alexis, picking her up again and throwing her over his shoulder. She groans.

"Sam." Dean yells as he walks out the door. "Sammy?!"

He walks back to the car, opening the door and setting Alexis down. She sways a little, a delirious smile on her face.

He stands back up. "Sam!"


Alexis had fallen asleep on the way to meet Bobby. At first, it was dreamless. Just the way she liked it. Then she saw the eyes. The horrible yellow eyes.

Alexis was suddenly in a room. An empty room by herself. "Hello?"

"Alexis. Nice to see you again." A voice behind her says. She spins around, coming face to face with the yellow eyed demon.

"Where am I? What do you want?"

"This is your dream, Alexis. I'm not really here."

"So its not actually you?"

"Oh, no, it is. I'm here to tell you why I didn't take you as well."

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