Chapter 10: We're supposed to be stalking

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Alexis groans, opening the bottle of ibuprofen. Her head was killing her, and the nightmares had kept her up most of the night last night.

"Sweetheart, you okay?" Dean sets a hand on her arm, he runs his hand down her arm until her hand was in his.

"Yeah, just a headache." She tells him, grabbing her water bottle and taking the pills.

"Alright, well, I'm gonna go get Sam. You gonna be okay?"

"Its just a headache, Dean. I'll be fine." Alexis smiles.

"Alright." Dean presses a kiss to her hairline before walking off.


"I don't know, man. Why don't we just chill out, think about this?" Dean doesn't take his eyes off the dark road ahead of him.

Sam turns off the radio. "What's there to think about?"

"I just don't know if going Roadhouse is smartest idea."

Alexis sighs, leaning against the cold glass of the window. She closes her eyes.

"I don't like you all that much, but I agree." Vivian says to Dean. Alexis kind of regrets picking Vivian up.

"Dean, its another premonition. I know it. This is gonna happen. Ash can tell us where."

"Yeah, but--"

"Plus, it could have a connection with the demon. My visions always do."

"That's my point. There's gonna be hunters. I don't know if-if going in and announcing that you're some supernatural freak with a demonic connection is the best thing, okay?"

Alexis leans forward, lightly hitting Deans shoulder before falling back into her seat.

"So I'm a freak now?"

Dean glances over at Sam. "You've always been a freak." Dean smiles, hitting Sams arm.


Deans hand rests on the small of Alexis' back as they walk into the Roadhouse, glancing around.

"You just can't stay away, huh?" Jo says as they walk toward her.

"Yeah, looks like. How you doing, Jo?" Dean asks.

"Where's Ash?" Sam asks.

"In his backroom." Jo answers. Sam rushes off and Alexis follows. Vivian trails behind her. Alexis ignores the familiar feeling of jealousy filling her chest as she walks behind Sam.

They stop at the door, Sam knocks on the door. There was a sign hanging there that read, 'Dr. Badass is in'. Alexis jumps slightly when she feels a hand touch her back. She turns to see Dean standing beside her.

"Ash." Sam calls out. He knocks on the door again. "Hey, Ash."

Dean beats on the door. "Hey, Dr. Badass."

The door open, revealing a completely naked Ash. Alexis closes her eyes, resting her head against Deans shoulder.

"Sam. Dean. Alexis. Sam, Dean, and Alexis." Ash says.

"Hey, Ash, um, we need your help."

"Oh, hell, then. Guess I need my pants." He closes the door.


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