Chapter 22: Super scary threat

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Croatoan 4

"Wish we had a deck of cards or a foosball table or something." Dean says, walking back toward Sam and Alexis. She rolls her eyes.

"Dean, don't do this." Sam shakes his head. "Just get the hell outta here."

"No way."

Alexis scoffs, unlocking the door and walking out.

"Lex, what are you doing?" Dean asks.

"Locking myself in a different room." She walk away. Vivian follows her out.


"You're really gonna do it? That's fucked up." Vivian crosses her arms over her chest.

"Thanks for that." Alexis shakes her head slightly, trying to ignore her sister's presence.

"Its okay."

"Is it?"

"No, its not, actually. I was just saying that." Vivian shrugs. "I see people in movies say it all the time in situations like these."

"Yeah, what movie did you see that went like this?"

"Well, it wasn't exactly like this, but stuff like this, you know?"

Alexis takes a deep breath, looking down at the gun in her hand. This was the only way. She could do it. She pushes herself up to sit on the metal table. A tear slips down her cheek. She looks up when she hears the door open.

"What happened to locking the door?" Dean asks, closing it behind him. Alexis doesn't meet his eyes as she wipes away the tear.

"Forgot to. Please go, Dean. For me."

"I thought I locked that damn door." Vivian regrets her existence.


"Dean-" Alexis starts before glancing over at Vivian. "Could you give us a minute? Please?"

"Sure, okay. Okay, bye. I'll go wander the halls cause I don't wanna be with Sam." Vivian walks out, disappearing down the hallway.

"Lex, I'm tired. You know that. Without you I probably would've given up by now. Okay, I'm tired of this job, and this life." Dean stops in front of her, setting his hands on the table beside her.

"Don't just give up." Alexis looks up and meets his eyes.

"Darlin', it doesn't matter whether I'm tired or not. Either way I would've stayed. If you die, I die too. I'm not living without you."

"That's stupid." Alexis rolls her eyes. She knew she'd do the same for him. She would stay.

"No, its not."

"I don't wanna hurt you or Sam."

"Its okay." Dean presses his forehead against hers. Alexis closes her eyes, a tear slipping down her cheek. Dean reaches up and brushes it away with the pad of his thumb.

Dean sets his hand on the side of her face, moving his thumb in circle motions on her cheekbone. Dean presses a tender kiss to her lips. Alexis wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Alexis thought this was the last time she was ever going to kiss him, so she poured every emotion into that kiss.

Dean pulls away a little, resting his head against hers. The two stay like that for a few seconds. The silence speaking every unsaid word between them.


Alexis had just sat down beside Sam when a knock at the door grabs her attention. Dean stands up, unlocking the door and opening it.

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