Chapter 19: Who has time to murder a town full of people

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Alexis was awakened from her peaceful-ish sleep when she heard her motel door close. She keeps her eyes shut as she slips her hand under her pillow. Her fingers close around the cool metal of her gun.

She felt the bed dip and strong arms wrap around her. She smiles a little relaxing into Deans arms. She lets go of her gun. Dean presses his lips to her shoulder.

"Get some sleep, darlin'." He whispers. Alexis didn't though. But she enjoyed the fact she was in Deans arms. Even though she was more confused than ever and she had no clue what was happening with her she was happy. Dean made her happy.


Alexis couldn't shake the bad feeling she had along with the headache that kept her up the night before. An imaginary gunshot that rang through her head made her jump slightly.

"Darlin', you okay?" Deans voice pulled her from her haze as he set his hand on her thigh.

"What? Yeah, I'm good." She shakes her head, giving Dean a smile. Dean hesitantly smiles back, knowing something was bothering her.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I appreciate you being a nervous wreak though." She leans over the beer that sat between them, kissing his cheek.

"I'm just worried, sweetheart."


Dean and Alexis walk in the motel room to see Sam sitting on the floor beside the bed.


"Everything okay?" Alexis asks.

"I'm sure nothing is okay if he's sleeping on the floor." Vivian speaks up from across the room.


"Continue on OR-224 west." The female voice on the GPS tells Sam.

"There are only two towns in the U.S. named Rivergrove." Sam states.

"How come you're so sure its the one in Oregon?" Dean asks, not taking his eyes off of the dark road ahead.

Sam is quiet for a second. "There was a picture of Crater Lake."

"Alright, anything else?" Alexis leans against the front seat.

"I saw a dark room, some people, and a guy tied to a chair." Sam shrugs.

"And I ventilated him?" Dean glances over at his brother.


"Come on. Dean wouldn't kill somebody if they didn't deserve it." Alexis looks between the two.

"You thought there was something inside of him." Sam continues.

"A demon? Was he possessed?" Dean asks.

"I don't know." Sam replies.

"Well, all your weirdo visions are tied to the yellow-eyed demon somehow. Was there any black smoke? Did we try to exorcise him?"

"No, nothing. You just plugged him. That's it." Sam shakes his head slightly.

"I'm sure I had a good reason."

"I sure hope so."

"Yeah, the guy probably touched the car or something. Totally a crime worth the death penalty." Alexis jokes, smiling in hopes of lightening the mood. Dean turns his head, giving her a look. "Okay, I get it. Tough crowd. That's fine." Alexis mutters.

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