Chapter 21: I wanna blow shit up

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Croatoan 3

"You're going to kill Beverly Tanner?" Pam asks.

"Doctor, could there be any treatment? Some kind of cure for this?" Sam questions. Dr. Lee hesitates.

"Can you cure it?" Dean demands.

"I don't even know what it is."

"I told you, its a matter of time till she breaks through." Sarge speaks up, still pointing the gun at the door.

"Just leave her there. You can't just shoot her like an animal." Pam cries out.

"Sam." Dean walks toward the door and Sam follows. He stands by the door, reaching over to the handle. Dean cocks his gun, nodding his head. Alexis taps her fingers against her thigh as she leans against the wall on the other side of the door. Sam opens the door and Dean and the sarge burst in.

"Mark. What are you doing?" Beverly looks up. "Mark, its them. They locked me in here. They-they tried to kill me. They're infected, not me. Please, Mark. You've known me all your life. Please." She sobs.

"You sure she's one of 'em?" Dean asks Sam.

"Yeah." Sam mutters. Dean takes a step forward, and he shoots the woman.


Sam, Dean, and Alexis were going through all the weapons they had. Alexis glances over at Dean, letting her hand brush his. All of a sudden a scream rang throughout the building. The three run to the room to see Pam freaking out.

"Am I okay?" She asks the doctor.

"You're clean. You're okay." Dr. Lee nods her head. Alexis glances around, noticing the broken glass and blood on the floor.

"Why are we staying here? Please, lets just go."

"No, we can't, those things are everywhere." Dean tells her.

"Oh, God." Pam mutters, holding her head in her hands.

"She's right about one thing." Sam says as they stand in the doorway. "We can't stay here. We gotta get outta here, to the roadhouse or somewhere. Let people know what's coming."

"That's a good point." Dean agrees. "Night of the Living Dead didn't exactly end pretty."

"Well, let me know when you figure out how to get the hell outta here. Cause last time I checked that aren't exactly just letting us wander the streets and go out of town." Alexis crosses her arms over her chest.

"I'm not sure we got a choice. Folks up here are good with rifles. Even with all your hardware, we're easy targets. So unless you got some explosives." Sarge says.

Alexis lets out a small gasp. "We should blow everything up. It'll be awesome."

"With what, darlin'?" Dean looks over at her.

"I don't know. Find something cause I wanna blow shit up."

"We could make some." Sam states, moving toward the shelf of medical supplies. He grabs a bottle of potassium chlorate.

"Hey! Let me in! Let me in, please!" A desperate yell comes from the front door. They all run to the front of the doctor's office.

"It Duane Tanner." Mark glances back at the hunters before unlocking the door. "Duane, you okay?" He asks as the two walk into the lobby.

"That's the guy that I...." Dean makes a cutting motion at his neck while clicking his tongue.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

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