Chapter 40: A hell of a lot

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Born under a bad sign 3

"Alright, are we done. I gotta find Lexi and Sam." Dean says.

"Would you give me two minutes to patch you up?" Jo asks. "You can't help either of them if you're bleeding to death. So how did you know he was possessed?"


Dean and Jo look over at the door as it swings open.

"Thanks for looking for me." Alexis smiles, sarcasm dripping off every word. She was soaking wet and blood covered her arm.

Dean rushes to her, setting a hand on her face. "Oh, thank God." He sighs. "You're okay."

Alexis scoffs. "I don't know what your definition of okay is, but it sure as hell ain't mine."

"I'll call you later, okay?" Dean glances back at Jo. "Come on, sweetheart." Dean sets a hand on her back, leading her out. Alexis tensed, her back going rigid.


Alexis hisses in pain as she pulls a shirt over her head. "Still no answer?" She asks, looking over at Dean, who's eyes were on the road.


"Don't worry. I'm sure Bobby will be fine."


Alexis leaned against the wall, watching as Dean slapped Sam awake.

"Dean, Alexis. Back from the dead." Sam says, glancing up at the devils trap painted on the ceiling above where the chair sat. "Getting to be a regular thing for you, isn't it? Like a cockroach."

"How about I smack that smartass right out to your mouth?"

"Oh, careful now. Wouldn't wanna bruise this fine packaging."

"Don't worry. This isn't gonna hurt Sam. You, on the other hand." Dean pours holy water on him causing him to scream in pain. "Feel like talking now?"

"Sams still my meat puppet. I'll make him bite off his tongue."

"No. You won't be in him long enough. Bobby."

Bobby circle the demon, reading the exorcism.

"See, whatever this bitch boy master plan you demons are cooking up, you're not getting Sam. You understand me?"

"He's not the only one I want." The demon hisses, his eyes darting to Alexis.

"You're not getting her either. Because I'm gonna kill every one of you first."

The demon laughs causing Bobby to pause. "You really think that's what this is about? The master plan? I don't give a rats ass about the master plan."

Dean glances at Bobby, who goes back to reading the exorcism.

"Oops. Doesn't seem to be working." The demons says. "See, I learned a few new tricks." He bows his head, muttering something in Latin and the fire roars causing the other three hunters to jump.

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