Chapter 31: Lets dig up a dead body

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House of the Holy 1

Since being wanted by practically everyone in America Dean and Alexis were stuck in a motel room. Sam was the only one allowed out now, which wasn't always bad, but Alexis was going crazy. Of course she and Dean had done almost everything they could do to stay entertained. Including what they were currently doing.

"Dean." Alexis moans, tilting her head back.

"What? Don't 'Dean' me. Its not my fault you're losing."

Alexis groans, rolling her eyes. "I'm done with poker. Its a stupid game."

"You only say that when you lose."

"Shut up." Alexis glares at him. "....One more game?"


"You can't be mad at me." Dean says.

"Oh, I can and I will." Alexis nods, propping herself up on her elbows to look at Dean, who sat at the table across the room.

"Oh, come on, its not my fault you lost." Dean argues. "And you can't stay mad at me."

"I beg to differ, and you cheated. So, yes, it is your fault I lost."

"Don't be mad at me, sweetheart." Dean smiles at her as he stands up, walking toward her.

Alexis bites back a smile. "No, you can't just smile at me like that and call me sweetheart then expect my anger to vanish. It doesn't work."

"I beg to differ, sweetheart." Dean smirks.

"No." Alexis stands up on the bed. "No. I know what you're thinking and it won't work. And, no, you think all it takes is that stupid smile of yours and everything's okay, and that's not true."

Dean gives her a look as be stops in front of her. "Lex, you're the one that thinks you can smile at me and get away with whatever you want, which, unfortunately, is true. At least I can admit that though. Now, come here."

Alexis crosses her arms over her chest, shaking her head. "I'm good."

"Come here, darlin'."

"Still good."

Dean reaches out, grabbing her thighs and pulling her feet out from under her. Alexis lets out a surprised yelp when her back hits the mattress.

Alexis looks up at Dean, who was now hovering above her. "Manhandle me all you want, I'm still mad at you."

"No, you're not." Dean smiles at her, pressing his lips to her cheek. Then to the corner of her mouth, and finally to her lips. Alexis slips her arms around his neck, returning the kiss.

Dean pulls away slightly. "See? Not mad."

"I hate it when you're right." Alexis murmurs, pressing her lips back to his.


Alexis rolls her eyes at Dean, who lay on the opposite bed with his earbuds in. He had already stolen what he thought was all of the quarters Alexis had for the massage setting.

She sits up as the door opens and Sam walks in. "Hey." Sam leans against the wall.

"If you're trying to get his attention, you won't." Alexis says. "Trust me." She mutters.

Sam walks to his brother, hitting his leg. "Hey."

"Man, you really gotta try this. There really is magic in the magic fingers."

"Dean, you're enjoying that way to much. Its kinda making me uncomfortable."

"Its making you uncomfortable?" Alexis asks. "You just got here."

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