Chapter 6: You really think you can kill me

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Bloodlust 2

Alexis follows Sam into the motel. She takes off her jacket as Sam sets the car keys on the dresser. The whole car ride here Sam was making fun of her. Now, she was even more exhausted. She flops down on the bed, sighing.


Dean and Gordon were sharing hunting stories and somehow the conversation had turned to John.

"Yeah, you know, he was just one of those guys." Dean starts. "Took some terrible beatings...and just kept coming. So, you're always saying to yourself, you know: 'He's indestructible. He'll always be around. Nothing can kill my dad.' And just like that," Dean snaps his fingers. "He's gone."

Its silent for a few seconds. "I can't talk about this to Sammy. You know, I gotta keep my game face on. But, uh, the truth is, I'm not handling it very well. The only one who knows it Lexi, but I don't wanna burden her with this crap. I feel like I have this-"

"Hole inside you?" Gordon asks. "Its just gets bigger and bigger, and darker and darker? Good. You can use it."


Sam had called Ellen to ask her about Gordon, seeing as both him and Alexis had a weird feeling about him. "You ever run across a man named Gordon Walker?"

Alexis sits on the edge of the bed, waiting for an answer.

"Yeah, I know Gordon." Ellen answers.


"He's a real good hunter. Why are you asking, sweetie?"

"Well, we ran into him on a job and we're kinda working with him."

"Don't do that, Sam."

"I-I thought you said he was a good hunter."

"And Hannibal Lecter's a good psychiatrist. Look, he's dangerous to everyone and everything around him. Especially if he finds out about Alexis. If he's working on a job, let him handle, move on."


"No, Sam. You just listen to what I'm telling you okay....."


Sam stands at the vending machine as Alexis walks up beside him.

"Are they helping?" Sam gestures to the bottle in her hand. Alexis shakes it, the pills that are supposed to help her sleep inside rattling around.

"Hell no." She scoffs. She had left them in her bag in the car and went to get them now she met back up with Sam. Alexis shivers as the cold night air bites at the exposed skin of her arms, face, and neck.

She glances around the parking lot as her and Sam head back to the room. She felt eyes on her, but it was a different pair of eyes. Not the one's from the window at the bar.

"Sam, I think someone's watching us." She whispers as the two stop at the door. Sam opens the door and gives the parking lot one last look. The two walk in, Alexis heads toward the bathroom and Sam walks toward the table.

Alexis was grabbed from behind and after a few minutes of fighting everything went black.


Alexis went in and out of consciousness the whole drive to wherever they were going. It was probably because she was absolutely exhausted and she had gotten hit in the head. Her head felt like it would explode any second she was awake. Keeping her eyes open was a job in itself.

So she had no clue where the hell she was or where she was going. But she does know that at one point they had went over a bridge.


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