Chapter 28: Except that part

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Nightshifter 1

"So what's it like, being an FBI guy?" The brown haired woman asks Dean. Alexis rolls her eyes.

"Dangerous." Alexis answers, praying this wasn't going to take long so she could drag Dean out of here. "So she killed herself?"

Frannie sighs. "Cops said she dropped a hairdryer in the bath and fried herself. They should know, right?"

"Yeah. Thanks." Alexis nods her head.

"I think that's all we need." Dean adds. Right as the two start to walk off Frannie speaks up.

"Really? I mean, because I got more." She looks at Dean. "You know, if you wanted to interview me sometime, in private."

Alexis huffs, turning around. "That won't be necessary. We have all the information we need." Alexis grabs Deans forearm, dragging him away. He chuckles causing Alexis to glare at him.

"So you never saw the security camera footage yourself, then?" Sam asks as Dean and Alexis stop beside him. He was talking to another employee.

"The police, they took all the tapes, first thing." The man answers.

"Of course they did." Dean mutters. The three head for the doors. Sam walks out and Dean went to follow but Alexis grabs his tie, pulling him down to her and kissing him.

Dean chuckles as she pulls away.

"Say one word and I'll kick you in the balls, got it?" She hisses.

"You just had to prove a point, didn't you?" Dean follows her out the door, laughter evident in his voice.

"Shut up."


"This is it." Sam glances down at the paper as the car comes to a stop.

"Friggin' cops." Dean complains as he gets out of the car.

"They're just doing their job." Sam tells him.

"No, they're doing our job. Only they don't know it, so they suck at it."

"And they just get in the way." Alexis adds, closing the car door.

"Right." Dean agrees. "Talk to me about this bank."

"Milwaukee National Trust." Sam starts. "It was hit about a month ago."

"Same m.o. as the jewelry store?"

"Yeah, inside job, long time employee. The never in a million years type." Sam explains as the three walk toward the front door. "Dude robs a bank, then goes home and supposedly commits suicide."

"Reznick was the guard on duty that night?" Alexis questions.

"Yeah. He was actually beaten unconscious by the teller who heisted the place." Sam nods.

"Oh god." Dean mutters.

"Yeah." Sam knocks on the door. "Mr. Reznick? Ronald Reznick?"

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