Chapter 48: Patiently

468 16 11

Heart 3

"I feel safe."

Alexis lay on her side as she reaches over, grabbing Deans shoulder and turning him to face her. She slides her hand down his arm until she reaches his wrist.

She guides his hand under her shirt before running her hand back up his arm to his elbow. Dean met her eyes, an unasked question in his. Is this okay? Alexis nods her head slightly. Dean traces each new scar as his hand slides further up. His fingertips brushing over each raised or indented piece of skin.

His hand stops when he fingers hit the bottom of her bra, but he knew the scars continued. His slips his hand over her ribcage and to her back. He runs his finger over every scar, the eight that had been there before and the uncountable new ones until his hand rested just above the waistband of her jeans.

Alexis leans up, pressing her lips to his as she set a hand on the side of his face. Dean pulled her closer as his lips moved against hers. Alexis rolled onto her back, pulling Dean with her as she slipped her arms around his neck.

Dean traced his finger along the waistband of her jeans before his hand moved up.

Alexis moaned at how gently he touched her, how his fingers barely brushed her skin. It was the perfect example of how intoxicating he was. She craved more, she craved him. She craved how every inch of him was pressed against every inch of her.

He was the air she breathed. The very thing her lungs begged for. Everything he did was intoxicating. The way he smiled, the way he laughed, how when he kissed her the world disappeared. All it took was one look and she would come undone. She realized how much she missed this. How simple this was. It was just her and Dean.

He knew everything about her, the good, the bad, everything, and he still choose her. He choose her, he choose to stay by her side from the minute they met.

He choose her over and over. He always would. No matter what.

Alexis felt her heart hammering in her chest, sparks blossoming on her skin where he touched. She felt something inside her awaken, something that felt warm and safe. It courses through her veins. Soft and light.

She'd never felt it before, ever. It felt like it was healing her. Wrapping around her soul and mending the cracks.

He made her feel like she was the only one on Earth, like she was the only one that mattered. It was addicting. He was addicting. Better than any drug there was.

There wasn't one thing about him Alexis didn't need. She prayed she was the same for him. It was all she could do.

Alexis pulled away slightly, breathing heavy. She let her hands slide down to his chest before pushing him up and sitting up. Deans hands rest on her hips as she sat in his lap.

Alexis grabbed the hem of of her shirt, but Dean grabbed her hand.

"Lexi, you don--"

"I want to. I'm ready." She nods. "I didn't want you to see me before because I was scared. I was scared once you saw how broken I really am and how scarred I am you wouldn't want me anymore. You would realize you could do better, but I'm not scared anymore. You stayed with me. Patiently. No ones ever cared that much."

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