Chapter 45: I know the feeling

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Roadkill 2

"So that thing shoots rock salt?" Molly asks as the four of them follow the trail through the forest.

"Yep." Sam replies.

"And plain salt just keeps away spirits?"

Alexis took a step toward Dean, grabbing onto his hand. He glances at her. "What? My hand's cold." She shrugs. Dean lightly squeezed her hand, smiling at her. She was trying to not push him away anymore. She blocked out the rest of Sam and Molly's conversation.

"You know, just once I'd like to round the corner and see a nice house." Dean complains as they walk up to a old abandoned house.

"Well, that's not how your job works. Sorry to break it to ya." Alexis nudges his arm with her shoulder.

After checking for a grave Dean and Alexis head inside where Sam and Molly were.

"Any headstones outside?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, right. Is it ever that easy?" Dean replies.

Sam sighs. "I guess not."

The four wander into the kitchen when Dean gestures to the stair case. "You two check upstairs. See if you can find any notes or records where he's buried. Me and Lexi'll check down here."

"Alright." Sam nods.

"So..." Alexis starts as she goes through a drawer. "any specific reason you've got your boxers in a knot?"

"What?" Dean asks from across the room.

"Answer my question."

"I don't."

"Have a reason? Do we need to sing?"

"I'm not singing with you."

"I'll convince you one day." Alexis moves toward him, setting a hand on his shoulder. She presses her lips to his cheek.


"Something happened to them. Something they couldn't control." Alexis hears Sam say as her and Dean walk up the steps. They stop in the doorway.

"Sammy's getting a little J. Love Hewitt when it comes to things like this." Dean says. "Me, I don't like them and I sure as hell ain't making apologies for them."

Alexis nudges his side. "Sams got a point. They weren't always evil."

Dean glances at her before turning back to Sam. "There's nothing downstairs. You find anything?"

"Uh, just about every piece of mail or receipt they ever had. Looked through a couple, but nothing about a grave so far." Sam explains. "What?"

"There's something behind here." Dean states, throwing Sam his gun before shoving the dresser out of the way. Alexis moves further into the room as Sam stands. Dean kneels down to the small door, trying to push it open. "Its locked from the inside." He stands back up.

Dean turns around, kicking the door.

"Aww, you're losing your touch. You can't even kick a door down. A tiny one, at that." Alexis shakes her head in a joking manner. Dean narrows his eyes at her, kicking the door once more. This time it burst open.

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