Retrograde | Chapter 11 | Part 1

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Author's note:

Hello, my loves,

Our babies have a lot going on in Chapter 11, so I've split it into two parts.  Wishing you and your families a safe, happy holiday season. 

WARNING: 🚨🔞 Colourful language and strategically placed smut for the smutters this chapter.  Read at your own discretion. 🔞🚨

Appreciate your love and support.  Please don't forget to vote!  And come find me on Twitter dizigirl1 and let me know your thoughts on the Chapter!

Love, Ames


Previously on Retrograde:

Engin huffs and steps towards Stevens, but Serkan stops him with a strong arm across his chest.

"And if I refuse?" Serkan asks calmly.

"Then I send your best friend back to the Piranhas with a little note about who he is and what he's been doing this past twelve months."


5 years later

Serkan pushes through the door of the shooting range and is instantly met with the familiar smell of sweat and spent ammunition. Without earmuffs, the sound of operators unloading their magazines is deafening. Engin and Sonny follow close behind, duffle bags in hand. The three men inevitably turn heads as they stalk through the shooting range in their standard-issue cargo pants and tight black tees.

Their appeal is universal. Men want to be them; women want to fuck them. At 6'4", Engin is the tallest, with long, lean muscles that look like they were the inspiration for da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man". Sonny follows close behind at 6'2" with thick rugby thighs that scream "power" and make the girls weak.

Although the shortest of the boys, Serkan's 6'1" frame is the stockiest - his deep barrel chest, defined shoulders, and ripped abs that add a level of rough grit that the other two don't possess.

This grit put him on the US Military's radar during their first training missions at the FBI base almost eight years ago. After Sonny, Engin, and Serkan graduated from NYU with their Criminology/FBI Fast-track degrees; the army immediately recruited them to join the Special Forces full-time.

In a month, all three will be heading to the infamous "Operator Training Course (OTC)" - an intense six months away from family and friends where operators learn counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism techniques, marksmanship, demolitions and breaching, and espionage drills.

But the Military hasn't been able to save them from one thing: Agent Stevens.

To this day, Engin rages that Serkan took Stevens' deal five years ago. He was prepared to go back into Piranha territory, just so his best friend didn't get dragged into the mess, but Serkan wouldn't have a bar of it. They almost came to blows over it, too, that night, with neither man willing to put their friend in danger. 

"We're in this together," Serkan vowed, holding Engin by the collar - looking between him and Sonny. And so the deal with the devil was made.

Stevens, for his part, could have taken the high road considering he effectively blackmailed Serkan but instead continued to be a slimeball about everything, regularly dropping threats of exposing Engin.

That was, of course, until Sonny knocked out Stevens' two front teeth after an ill-timed and particularly unfunny jibe about sending Serkan, himself, to the wolves. Since then, the Agent only calls when he requests information or has intel to share, with each transaction being executed quickly and painlessly.

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