Retrograde | Chapter 17

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Author's note:  Um, new chapter after only 4 weeks?  I think I'm growing as a person!

So, our babies reconnected with a bang!  Thank you to those folks who've DM'd me your desires for how Eda and Serkan would finally come back to each other.  I hope I did it justice.  

And even though we're on the countdown to the end, don't despair...there's always time for a "rain kiss".

🚨🔞Warning: Please avert your eyes during any spicy sections, or skim over any profanity.  (I feel like I really should come with a profanity warning IRL too) 

Hope you enjoy the chapter.


P.S. Please excuse the lack of editing.  Trying to get these chaps out to you as quickly as possible.


Previously on Retrograde:

"Are you sure the shit's here? We've demolished the place, and there are no files. Nothing but medical journals and notes."

The man glances at his passenger in the front seat before responding into his mouthpiece. "Are you sure?"

"Positive," comes the reply.

He sighs, thoughts ticking over. He was sure they've had eyes on the joint since this morning.

"Alright - pack it up. Get out of there. We'll meet back at the house."

He chews the inside of his cheek before returning his gaze to his passenger.

"This is not going to end well."


When the goons get back to the Genovese mansion, Silvio, Robert, and an entire cohort of henchmen are sitting at the mahogany boardroom table. The conversation stops abruptly, with all eyes on the newcomers.

The blinds are drawn and Silvio's mood is as dark as the room. Someone lights a cigar, sending a plume of smoke across the table, as another taps the wood nervously as they wait. The silence feels deadly.

Anger flares the moment Silvio sees, "Mr. Mercedes Mouthpiece", Kon, enter the room followed closely by his passenger, Danny.

"What the fuck was that?" Silvio barks, unable to comprehend how they fucked up with the files. "You said no one went in or where the fuck are they?"

Kon glances around the room, taking his fedora hat off his head, and holding it nervously in front of him as though it could protect his vital organs from an attack. His New Yorker accent comes out thick, "The boys tore the place apart, boss. Slashed open the couch like they were gutting a fish. And nothing."

Kon shrugs impotently, and Silvio scowls, turning to Robert. His look is an instruction, and Robert nods to two men in the corner of the room.

"Wa...wait, wait, wait!" He panics, his hands stretched in front of him, his hat dropping to the floor. "We think the other girl took them. The short one. Apart from the Yildiz girl, she was the only one to come out, a...and she...she was wearing a backpack."

That detail piques Silvio's attention. He raises a single hand, halting the advance of his guards. "A backpack?"

"Yeah, she came out wearing her scrubs, and had a backpack on. looked heavy. May...maybe they're not what you think they are, boss. Maybe they're just medical journals. Ya know, to teach her shit," Kon offers lamely, his voice cracking.

Robert almost snorts with laughter. "To teach her shit?" He questions from his seat, and Kon nods eagerly. Robert smirks at Silvio who sits back down at the head of the table with a cynical shake of his head.

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