Retrograde | Chapter 16

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Author's note: 

*singing* "It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me!"

Hello my loves!  I'm not going to apologize (again) for the chapter taking so long.  Life happens, Covid sucks, and my kids come first.

BUT...we made it!

🔞 Warning:  Silvio can't keep his hands to himself...and it seems to catch on.  There must be something in the water. 🔞 

Can't wait to hear what you think.  And... HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear friend, @Nareeekozc3!!

Love to you all!

P.S.  I didn't edit a tonne this time, so please forgive all spelling/grammatical errors.


Previously on Retrograde:

Nausea wretches deep within her stomach, and Eda flies to the garbage tin. Eren groans, watching his baby be physically ill over their lies. He closes his eyes, unable to bear further witness to her horror.

Hunched over, Eda finishes emptying the contents of her stomach, the room falls silent, and the men wait for their punishment.

Eda finally stands, her back to her destroyers, and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. Inhaling heavily, she collects herself.

And without a word, she sets her shoulders in a posture of strength and walks out of the room without looking back.


Fluorescent lights, sterile corridors, and tears are a terrible mix. Eda races towards the front of the hospital, crashing into people and things, desperate for air and relief from the incredible pain that sears her skin. Her mind is a mess.

How could they do this?

The exterior sliding doors open to her freedom as Eda trips on the pavement, the cold December air hitting her like a slap, a jarring contrast to the scorching hot anger within her chest.

Stumbling, her legs finally give out, and she collapses in a heap — the pain no longer just emotional as blood soaks into her stockings, a throbbing reminder of the trust that's been shattered and the betrayal of the love she held so dear.

She sobs as concerned passers-by outside the busy hospital reach for her, pulling her back to her feet.

"Oh my god, Eda!" A familiar loud gasp floods her with relief as Melo's hands wrap her into a hug. "Honey, what happened!?"

"Can't. Breathe. me. Melo," Eda hiccups between sobs.

"Are you injured? Where does it hurt? Tell me!" Melo stammers, running her hands down Eda's arms.

Eda clutches her heart, signalling "here". Devastation is etched over her face, and Melo frowns. She's never seen Eda react like this to losing a patient, and realizes it can only be one thing. Serkan.

"Shhh, I've got you. I'm taking you home now, OK?" Melo soothes softly.

Safely in Melo's arms, Eda's brain finally shuts down, no longer able to discern anything around her other than being guided into the front seat of a car and driven away from the place where her heart was ripped from her chest.


The air is heavy with threats of suffocation. Serkan stares at the floor, slowly shaking his head, utterly consumed by dread.

Eren paces the room a few feet away, looking like a madman from dragging his hands through his hair as he second-guesses whether he should run after his daughter.

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