The Sleepover

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Right as we got inside we heard yelling.

Knowing what was gonna happen me and Billy left thr house as fast as we could

We we're so lucky dad didn't see us!

We were talking about where to go.

We both agreed to go to out friends houses

He went to his friend Jake's house and I went to Robin's

Once I got there I knocked on the door

Robin answered and let me in

Once I entered I saw Finney, Gwen, Robin and a boy I had seen in class but didn't talk to

"Hey Y/n! You made it" Finney said

"Yeah... my dad Saud I could come" I said lying

"Cool! Just sit with everyone else while I grab snacks" Robin said

"Okay" I say walking towards everyone

"Hey, so your Y/n!" The boy said

"Yeah.. and you are?" I say

"Bruce, Bruce Yamada" He says holding his hand out

I shake his hand and sit down

We all start talking and I got to know Bruce a bit better

He was really nice

Robin came back and sat down

"So! What should we do?" He asks

"Uhh, truth or dare?" Gwen says

"Sure!" Everyone says at the same time

"Ok! Finney, truth or dare?" Robin asks

"Uhhh... truth!" Finney says

"Ugh! Your so boring" Gwen says

We all laugh and Robin starts speaking

"Is it true you have a crush on a girl at our school?" Robin asks

"Uhh... yeah.." Finney says

"OMG WHO!!??" I ask

"Donna.." He says

Everyone starts making a commotion and squeeling like little girls

"Ok Ok! Enough" Finney says laughing

"Whos next?" He asks

"You gotta ask someone now Finn" Bruce says

"Ok. Bruce, truth or dare?" Finney asks

"Uhh, dare!" Bruce says

"I dare you to... uhh" Finney stuttered

"Having a little trouble there?" Bruce said

"Shut up Bruce!" Finn said

"OH! I dare you to call your crush and tell them you like them" Finney said

Everyone let out a audible "ouuuuu"

Bruce got out his phone and went to his contacts

He called a girl named "Grace"

As they were talking he really wasn't mentioning that he liked her at all!

So Finney started telling him to

Eventually Bruce grew some balls and said

"Hey there's actually something I wanted to tell you..." Bruce said

"I've actually liked you for a while.. even if you don't like me back it's ok.. I just wanted you to know" Bruce said

As Bruce was saying this, he looked really sad. I assume he thought she was gonna say she didn't like him back

When all of a sudden his eyes widened and he had a huge smile on his face

He moved the phone away for a sec and said this

"She likes me back!!" Bruce said whisper screaming

Bruce and Grace kept talking while everyone else were playing games

**Time skip//Night time**

It was now 9:34PM and you all decided to go get ready for bed

You all put your pj's on and picked rooms to sleep in

"Okay, Finney and me will sleep in my room, Bruce can sleep in my Tio's room, and Y/n and Gwen can sleep in the guest room" Robin announced

"Sounds good" Gwen said

You all head to your rooms

"Hey Gwen, can you help me find the guest room?" I ask

"Yeah, sure. Let me take your stuff there" Gwen says

"Thanks" I say

She takes my stuff to the guest room and I get into bed

"Night Y/n!" Gwen

"Good night Gwen" I say

You fall asleep quite quickly.


I woke up to Gwen shaking me

"Come on!! We have to get ready for school!" She said

Oh right. School

You get up and sigh

You realized you were wearing the same clothes since you didn't have time to grab anything else

"Hey does anyone have clothes I can wear?" I ask

"I do" Robin said

"Oh, ok" I say

"Come with me" Robin said

"Ok" I say following him

He takes me to his room and grabs a Hoodia and some sweatpants

"Thanks Robin" I say smiling

"Any time" He says

We get our stuff ready and head to school

On our way me, Bruce and Gwen were talking

I got to know them a lot better and they were so nice

Especially Bruce

We get to school and someone pushes me.

It was...

"I Love You".   Robin Arellano × Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now