"me and your father were wondering.."

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They were looking at me

"Hey... I.. I was just getting my... my water!" I said trying to make an excuse

"No worries" my step-mom said

I looked over to Vance who looked worried about what would happen

"Were so glad you made it so soon" my step-mom said in a friendly little voice

I wasn't sure if she was nice but she seemed it


My dad was nice before my mom died

"We have a favor to ask" my dad said looking at me

"Ok.." i said a little worried

"Me and your father were wondering if you could..." She said tumbling on her words

*there's no way... she's actually gonna ask*

"Me and your father were wondering if you could help Vance get out of here" she said looking down

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to make her actually say it

"Well.. we were thinking you could help... pay his bail.." she said now sounding upset

She didn't want me to do this

My dad wanted her to ask me this

"I don't have money" I say

"Yes you do" my dad said out of no where

"What do you mean!" I say

"You know.. your bank account" my dad said

My heart dropped.

I had opened that account 3 years ago and ever since have been putting any money I got into that account

How did my dad know about it!

"If you don't want to.. I'll make the withdraw for you" my dad said getting more seriouse

I didn't know what to do

He had access to my account!?

I just ran

I ran out of the station

And I ran to the bank

After I got there I ran up to someone

"Hi I need your help!" I say in a pannick

"Ok, but if you need help your going to have to wait" the man said pointing at the line

I look back and there was a long ass line

"Please.. this is really urgent" I say with my eyes ready to start watering.

He looked at me and sighed

"Ok, come on" he said pulling me to his office

"Ok, what's your concern" he asked

"I need to take someone off Mt bank account! They gave themselves access without permission and ate threatening to take my money!" I say on the verge of crying

"Alright.. who are we removing?" He said as he started typing on his computer

"My dad.." I say

"Alright. I'm going to need your name, card number and pin number" he said still typing on his computer

I gave him all the information and he gave me my card since I had Givin it to him so he could take my dad off

He managed to do so and I showed him a photo of my dad and his full name so that he couldn't get back onto my card

I left the bank and went straight home

I grabbed the overnight bag I made and added more clothes

I got my phone and charger

I put a pillow and blanket in the bag

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a big water bottle and filled it

I grabbed a bunch of food and then got a pen and sticky note and started writing on it

"I know you don't care about me. You took my money with out permission, you hit me, hit Billy, and have caused me more pain then I could imagine. I can't take it anymore. I'm done. I'm leaving. Goodbye!"

I hesitated leaving Billy

But I had to leave

I had to get the hell out of this house

Before I left I realized I forgot my sketchbook

I quickly ran to my room and got it

I went to the door and looked around

Tears filled my eyes as I walked out of the house

I grabbed a umbrella since it was raining and closed the door

I felt a tear fall down my cheek as I walked away

I had made a note earlier

I walked to Robin's and put it in the mailbox

I felt regret as I put it in

I started crying a little

It felt so wrong leaving and not saying goodbye

But I did.

"I Love You".   Robin Arellano × Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now