"what if he never knew?"

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"Yeah, of course" Robin said

I got really happy when he said yes

"Okay class it's time for lunch, go ahead" The teacher said

We all left and me, Robin and Bruce went to the convenient store again for lunch

When we got back we sat in our awkward little spot again

"So, y/n.. what happened to you? I felt rude asking but I'm kinda curiouse" Bruce said

My stomach kinda dropped

"Oh uhh, I got in a fight" I said covering my arms

"Ok.." he said skeptical

We ate and talked until lunch ended

**Time skip//After school**

School was over and we all started walking home

I hadn't asked Robin to come over since I knew my step mom and step brother would be home today

I made it home and went to my room

I decided to pack a overnight bag just incase I needed it in the future

I went downstairs and saw Vance

"Hi Vance" I say walking past the couch

"Hey..." he said

"Y/n" I say

"Right... Y/n" he says

I went to the kitchen and got a snack

I sat on the couch and started talking to Vance

"So! You guys fron here?" I ask

"No, we use to live in California but my mom and I moved after my dad died" he said

"Shit, I'm sorry" I said

"No it's ok, he sucked anyways" Vance said

"How so?" I asked

"He just... he was never really around" he said looking at his hands

"Well get ready, your new dad isn't any better" I said under my breath

"What do you mean?" He asked having heard me

"Oh.. he's just.. not the best" I said

"Oh... I'm sorry" Vance said

"Well I gotta go" He said getting up

"Ok, bye" I say going off to my room

I went to my room and closed the door

I was on my bed when I heard something hitting my window

*are those pebbles...?*

I went to my window and saw Robin, Bruce, Finney, Donna, and Gwen

*what the hell?*

I open my window

"What the hell are you guys doing here!?" I ask

"We wanted to hang out" Robin said

"Yeah, the whole gang!" Finney said laughing

"My dad would kill me if he knew I was out with you guys.. sorry" I say about to close my window

"WAIT!" Robin yells

I go back to my window

"Yeah?" I ask

"What of he never knew you left?" He asked elbowing Finney

"Huh? What do you mean?" I ask

Finney came back with a rope

He threw it up so it went into my room throught he window

"Climb down!" Robin said

"You guys are insane" I said before tying the rope to my bed and dropping down

"Hey.." Robin said in shock

"Hi" I said smiling

"Shall we?" Brucd said

"Yeah" Gwen and Finney said

We left and went to a continent store and got snacks

After that we left

We started walking

"Where are we even going?" I ask

"Were almost there, you'll see" Robin said

"I'm freezing!" I said wearing a long sleeve and sweatpants

Robin took off his hoddie and gave it to me

"Here" he said

"What? No, your gonna freeze" I said

"Ok, then be cold" he said

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the hoddie

I put it on and it was so soft and warm

We were almost to where we were going and it started getting a bit dark

"Hey, I have a question" I asked before we got there

"Yeah?" Robin answered

"How did you know where I lived?" I asked

"Your brother told us" Bruce said

"Thank you Bruce" Robin said

I laughed

We got to where we were walking to

"Where are we?" I asked

"A park, an abandoned one" Robin said smiling at me

"I'm not going to an abandoned park with you morons, I mean what if someone jumps out of the woods? You couldn't save me!" I said

"Sure about that?" Gwen asked pulling out her phone

She showed me a video of Robin beating the crap out of someone

"Holy shit!" I said watching

"Yeah, he could protect you. Don't worry" Finney said.

"I Love You".   Robin Arellano × Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now