"were gonna get out!"

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The door opened and that man walked in

I quickly pulled down my sleeves and moved away from Robin

"Was I interrupting?" The man said chuckling

Neither me or Robin responded

"I was just coming to give you some food" he said standing at the stairs

He walked into the room and put a plate and 2 bottles on the floor

The plate had eggs on it and the drinks were sprite

After he put them down he looked at us and tilted his head

"Enjoy" he said and left


Me, Gwen, and Bruce were at school

Me and Bruce had science as our third period

What's weird is Y/n and Robin weren't here today

Robin told me yesterday he would be here today

I got a little concerned but figured they might me sick..


I was at school and realized Y/b wasn't there

I was concerned since I saw her left today

I decided to call her bit she didn't answer

I got scared and remembered Robin wasn't here either

I called him but he didn't answer either

I got scared and decided I would go to Robin's after school to see if he was there with Y/n


Me and Robin were drinking our sprite since we didn't trust the food

I was sitting up against the wall when Robin came up to me

"You okay? I mean.. other then the fact we were kidnapped.." he asked

"Yeah.. I.. I'm fine" I say lying

"Oh come on! Somethings up.. what's on your mind?" He asks sitting next to me

"I just... I've never told people about anything going on.. you know, it's weird. With you I can just say whatever and not have to worrie about being judged.. or made fun of. I just can't help the fact that we're probably gonna die here..." I say looking down on the verge of crying

"Hey!" Robin says turning my head to look at him

"Were gonna get out of here! I'm not gonna let him hurt you.. even if it kills me!" He says looking into my eyes

He had his hand on my cheek and was gazing into my eyes

I couldn't help but do the same

I look at his eyes, then his lips, then his eyes again

I could see him go red

I smiled and leaned in

I softly kissed him and pulled away

He looked and me and pulled me back in

We were making out for a little

We finally pulled away and just talked for a while

We were trying to find out how to get the hell out of here

We were trying different things

We saw a wire under the wall and pulled it out

We decided do throw it at the window so we could climb it

I threw it a couple times and it didn't go in the grates

"May I?" Robin said putting his hand out

I gave him the wire and he threw it

Obviously it went in the first try

He tried climbing the wire but couldn't

I tried and eventually got up

I tried unscrewing the grate

I got it undone and it detached from the window

I fell to the floor and Robin made sure it as okay

Just then we heard an alarm

We then saw the light come on

The door flew open and that man came into the room

He looked so angry

"Having a little trouble there?" He said walking up to me


I started trying to get away

He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me upstairs

Robin tried stopping him but the man punched him and he fell down the stairs

He was unconscious after that

I was screaming trying to get away from the man's grasp

He threw me to the floor and took off his belt

He started hitting me with it

It hurt so bad

He wouldn't stop.

He didn't stop until I fell unconscious


School was over so I started making my way to Robin's house

I got there and knocked on the door

Someone opened the door

"Hello, may I help you?" The man at the door asked

"Uhh yeah.. is Robin here?" I ask

"Uhmm.. no, I thought he was at his fridnds. Her name is Y/n" he said

My heart dropped

"Uhmm.. my sister left for school this morning and never came home.. she wasn't at school either. My sister is
Y/n.." I say

"Oh my gosh..." he says

"Please, come in"


I woke up on the mattress and it was dark outside

I look beside me and see Robin sleeping

I tried moving but everything hurt

I saw that I had bandage on my leg and stomach

I tried turning but it hurt so bad

I ended up yelling in pain

I woke up Robin

"Hey! Are you okay?" I said sitting up

"Everything hurts" I say on the verge of tears

"You want to sit up?" Robin asked

"Yeah.." I say trying to get up

"Here!" Robin said helping me sit up

I sat up and looked at Robin

"What happened?" He asked concerned

"That fucking guy happened!" I said trying not to cry

Robin put his arm around me and pulled my head in so I was laying on him

I started crying a bit

*when will people notice I'm gone?*

*or will they notice at all...*

"I Love You".   Robin Arellano × Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now