Happy birthday!

757 11 40

I see Billy, My dad, Vance, and my step-mom

I let go of Robin

"Holy shit" I say quietly before grabbing Robins hand

I start running

They couldn't find me!

They just couldn't!

"Where are we going!?" Robin asked looking back

"We have to go!" I say still dragging him

We ran into the woods near by

We hid behind a tree

*oh.. my.. God.. *

We were hiding behind the same tree we were when we were running from that man

I kept seeing myself being dragged away

It wouldn't stop replaying in my head

It started to get hard to breath

"Hey... you ok?" Robin asked kneeling down and putting his hand on my shoulder

I curled my legs up and put my head in my legs

"What wrong?" Robin asked trying to lift my head

I didn't say anything

I couldn't

I couldn't breath.

"Y/n.." Robin said trying to lift my head again

I started breathing heavily with the little breath I had left

As I was a weezing noise came out

It felt like my throat was closing

It felt like I was going to die.

"Hey hey hey! What happened?" Robin asked getting more concerned

I started breathing louder and louder

Robin managed to get my head up

I was crying


"What happened?" He asked concerned

"I do- don't... know" I say taking a weak breath between each word

Robin wrapped his arms around me and started playing with my hair to calm me down

He didn't say anything

Just stayed like this

After a little I had calmed down

He took his head off my shoulder and turned my head to look at him

"So what's going on? Why did we run?" He asked

"I saw my dad.." I say

"Ok... so why did you run from him?" Robin asked

"I ran away.. if they see me it will be this whole thing.. and my dad will fucking kill me when I get home.." I say with tears filling my eyes

Robin didn't say anything

He just hugged me

He pulled my head in a I cried quietly

Just then I heard the leaves
I whisperd to Robin

"*Robin.. someone's here...*" I say

"*ok.. come on*" he says grabbing my hand

I grabbed my bag and we started running

We didn't stop till we got to Robins house

I was so out of breath

"Ok.. were here.." Robin said panting and trying to catch his breath

"Let's go inside" he said putting his hand on my back and pulling me towards his house

I was so nervous

Robin opened the door and I saw a boy on the couch, and a woman in the kitchen

"Hi mija! Want some birthday lunch?" the lady in the kitchen said

"I'm ok for now, thank you!" Robin said

"Find her yet?" The boy on the couch said chuckling a bit

He was playing a video game but he paused It and turned around to look at Robin

His eyes widened

To be fair he was looking at a 15 year old girl who was filthy and had leaves stuck to her

"Holy shit.. is that her?" The boy said in shock

"Ay! Language" the lady in the kitchen said

"yeah.." Robin said

He turned to me and lowered his voice

"Head to my room, I'll he up in a minute" he said

I nod my head and go upstairs

"Is that her!?" I heard just before getting upstairs


"Is that her!?" My brother asked as
Y/n walked upstairs

"Yeah.." I say smiling

"Wow.." My brother said as his eyes widened


I was waiting in Robins room for him

Something he didn't know is I grabbed that photo out of the mail box before we came in

It was his gift

I planned on giving it to him when he came upstairs

He finally came upstairs and sat down

"Hey" he said sitting down next to me

"Hi" I say smiling at him

"I got you something" I say looking in my bag

"Oh really?" He says

"Yeah" I say pulling out a envelope

He looks curiouse as I pull out the envelope

"Happy birthday" I say smiling and giving him the gift

"Holy crap, you actually remembered" he said letting out a small laugh followed by a smile

"Of course! How could I forget" I say smiling at him

He looks at me and opens the envelope

I was nervous he wouldn't like it but after seeing it the smile on his face proved me wrong

"Oh my God.. " he said in shock

"Did you draw this?" He asked genuinely

"Yeah.. do you like it?" I ask

"It's amazing.. thank you" he says giving me a big hug

It was such a relief to know he liked it

He pulled out of the hug

He put his hand on my cheek and slowly pulled me in to kiss me

He softly kissed me and pulled away

He got up and grabbed a pin

He then pinned my drawing to his wall

It was adorable.

"I Love You".   Robin Arellano × Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now