"are you okay?"

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He came and sat back down next to me

He put his arm around me and kissed my cheek

I smiled and scrunched my nose

He smiled and layed back

I fell back with him

I let out a small scream and started laughing when I fell

Robin looked at me and started playing with my hair

"Your so pretty" he says staring into my eyes and smiling

I started blushing

He let out a small laugh and moved my hair out of my face

What he didn't know before doing this is I had a bruise and cut there from my dad

I also forgot about this

"Shit, what happened?" He said rubbing the cut

I remembered about it after he said that


I was about to get up and try to cover it

Robin sat up and put his hand on my cheek

He turned my face to look at him

"Hey! What happened?" He asked now sounding a little concerned

"Nothing, just... forget it!" I say moving my hair to cover it

I got up off the bed and tried to go to the bathroom in Robins room

But he grabbed my hand

I looked down

"Tell me what happened" he said getting worried

I looked at him

He put his hand on my cheek and moved my hair out of the way

I looked at my feet and started playing with my hands

"I... I can't tell you.." I say with tears filling my eyes

I wipe the tear away and look back at Robin

I quickly look away and back to my feet

Robin lifted my face and saw the tears in my eyes

He pulled me in from my head

He hugged me and gently kissed my head

"You don't have to tell me.. but are you okay?" Robin said softly rubbing my head

"Yeah.." I say in a shakey voice as I wipe the tears off my face and sniffle

Robin puts one of his hands on my waist and lifts my face with his other hand

He looks in my eyes and softly kisses me

Just then someone knocks on the door

Robin pulls away and let's go

He looks at the door

"Come in!" He says going to sit on his bed

I move so he can see whoever comes in

A 17 year old boy walks in with a gift in his hand

"Oh.. hey" he says looking at me

I wave and Robin gets up

"Hey, what's up?" Robin asks

"Got you something" the boy says handing Robin a gift

Robin smiles and grabbed the gift

He goes to sit on his bed

The boy followed and sat next to Robin

Robin opened it and they're was a box with a chainsaw on it

"Holy shit.. you did not!" Robin said smiling and looking at the boy

"Open it" he said lightly pushing his shoulder

Robin opens a drawer and grabs a box cutter

He opens the gift and his eyes fill with happiness

He took out a mask

It was the leather face mask

"Oh. My. Fucking. God." Robin said with a huge smile on his face as he held up the mask

He turned to the boy and hugged him

"Thank you" Robin said with a big smile on his face

"Yeah! I know you wanted it so I got it on sale like a month ago" the boy said letting go of the hug

"Alright, I gotta go" he said getting up

"Oh wait!" Robin says

"Yeah?" The boy says turning around

"Uhh.. this is Y/n" he says pointing me out

"Y/n, this is my brother Fernando" Robin said looking at me

"Y/ns my..."

*oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!*

"She's my girlfriend" Robin said


"Oh! Well.. nice to meet you Y/n" Fernando said smiling at me

I smile back

"Alright, I gotta go" he says

"Ok! Bye. Thanks again" Robin said smiling

"Bye" Fernando said closing the door as he left

I sat next to Robin

"Your brother seems nice" i say putting my head on his shoulder

"Yeah! He is" Robin says smiling

I move back and lay on Robins bed

He joins me and puts his arm around me

He turns to look at me

I look back at him

He tucked my hair behind my ear and looked into my eyes

He gently rubbed my cheek

He looked at my eyes, then my lips

He slowly pulled me in a then gently kissed me

He pulled away and looked into my eyes

I smiled and played with his hair

I looked in his eyes and kissed him again.

"I Love You".   Robin Arellano × Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now