"were going to find her"

740 14 28

I know I could have gone somewhere



Finney and Gwen's?

But I couldn't

I couldnt just invite myself in

I know they would let me in if I came while it was raining... with a bag and sob story


I had to run.

I had to get the hell out of this place


I went home about 2 hours after Y/n ran off

I went back to the arcade to see if everyone was still there

They were

They didn't ask questions which was good

I wanted to run after Y/n after she left but didn't know what I'd say

So I didn't.

I got home and put my stuff down

My dad and step-mom were still at the station

I looked around and she wasn't home

So I went to the kitchen for some food and couldn't belive the note I found..


I got home around 7:30PM and went to my room

I went on my phone and texted Y/n

- hey!! Where r u i wanna hang out
Delivered 7:36
- Helloooooo???
Delivered 7:38
- Y/NNNN!!!!
Delivered 7:43

This was really weird! She never took more then a minute to answer

*I'm probably just over thinking*

I wait a little while and text her again

- Y/n!!!! Answer me I'm bored!
Delivered 7:58

I found this really weird but figured her phone might be dead or something


I was at a park eating a small snack when I heard someone approaching

I quickly went and hid incase it was someone I knew

I hid in the bushes near by so I could see them but they couldn't see me

The boy sat on the swing and took out his phone

He started typing then turned his phone off

I felt a little buzz in my pocket


I knew who that was

I quietly grab my phone and read the texts

- hey!! Where r u I wanna hang out
Read 8:27
- Helloooooo???
Read 8:27
- Y/NNNN!!!!
Read 8:27
- Y/n!!!! Answer me I'm bored!
Read 8:27

All fron Robin

Then I saw the new message

- hey! Where ever you are? I'm at the park. If you see this come! I miss u already😭
Read 8:28
- You read my texts! Now hurry up!
Read 8:30

I could feel tears leaving my eyes reading these

This fucking kid.

He was sitting out in the rain while it was dark

And texting me to meet him all because he missed me

He was getting soked and was probably freezing

I just started crying

Knowing I couldn't come out

I had to stay here

And leave him to get wetter and colder till he left

Completely abandon him

Break his heart.


I sent Y/n some messages and she saw them

I was expecting a reply but maybe she was busy getting ready

I knew she wasn't ignoring me

I mean she saw my texts

Maybe she was busy

I was sitting on the swig set waiting for her..

I waited...

I waited a long fucking time.

But she never came.

It was around 9:24 now so I just left


I saw Robin get up and my heart broke

I wanted to run up to him

Hug him

Literally anything!

I just wanted to see him again.


I got home and was pretty upset

I normally look in the mailbox before going inside and since i forgote earlier that's what I did

They're was a single letter

I grabbed it and head inside

"Where were you?" My brother asked while playing video games

"Just out" I say grabbing a towel to dry my hair

"Whatcu got?" He asked

"What?" I ask

"In your hands dummy" he said

"Oh the letter? I don't know" I say shrugging

"Lemme see!" My brother said

He hopped over the couch and snatched the letter out of my hand

"From Y/n? Who's Y/n?" My brother asked

"What?" I say taking back the letter

I look at my brother and open the letter

He goes and sits back down on the couch

I start reading

I couldn't believe any of it.

"Hey! I know this is like.. the shittyist way to leave but I have to. I'm running away like.. forever. I'm so so sorry! I wanted to see you again! I really did. But I couldn't. I can't even say how sorry I am but I want you to know that I will always love you and nothing about that will change. I'm so sorry but this is the end. Please tell Finn, Gwen, Bruce, and Donna about this okay? I love you - Y/n"

After reading that I couldn't feel my eyes watering

Before I knew if I was crying

My brother looked over

He didn't say a word

He just came up to me and hugged me

He took the letter as I cried in his shoulder

He read is and sighed

"Jesus.. I'm so sorry" he said hugging me tighter

He pulled me away

"We can find her... whoever this is. We can I swear!" He said before pulling me back into the hug.

"Were gonna find her."

"I Love You".   Robin Arellano × Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now