What happened!?

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You and Billy leave as fast as you can and eventually loose sight of your dad

Billy was asking where we should go since I could bearly even walk

I managed to mutter the first person who came to mind

"R-robin" I said quietly

I reached into my pocket at slowly pulled out a piece of paper with his address all over it

I gave it to Billy and he started walking to Robin's house

*what were you thinking!*

*Robin can't see you like this!!*

*God I'm such an idiot*

We get to Robin's house and now I'm kinda able to walk but I still have a limp, and I'm covered in blood.

Billy knocks on the door and it takes a second, but Robin answered.

"Holly shit what happened to you!?"

I really didn't know how to answer that, I didn't know what to say..

Robin looked at Billy whi then shrugged at him

"I think I'm gonna go to my friends house" Billy said

"Ok..." I say quietly

Billy walks off and I turn back to look at Robin

"Are you ok?" He said taking me hands

"Who did this to you!?" Robin said looking at my bleeding arms

"It doesn't matter.." I say nearly crying

"Yes it does! Your barley able to stand up right now" Robin said pulling me into his house

I started limping toward his couch

We sat down and started talking

"So what the hell happened?" Robin asked

I told him all about what my dad did.

"Jesus christ.. I'm so sorry Y/n" Robin says

"It's ok.." I say whiping tears from my eyes.

Back at the house...

My step mom got home and found my dad trying to clean up a bunch of broken glass

"What happened?!" She asked angrily

"My phyco fucking son." my dad said

"What do you mean?" She asked

"He smashed a glass bottle over my head for no reason! Can you belive that?" My dad said

"But Billy seemed like such a good kid, why would he do that?" My step mom asked

"I don't know.. but I think it's time I send him to boarding school, I can stand his abuse anymore" my dad said putting on a whole show

Back at Robin's...

Me and Robin were sitting on his bed watching a movie

He yawned and then wrapped his arm around my shoulder

I looked at him and smiled and then looked away

I turned back to the movie right as a Jumpscare came on

I jumped and squirmed into Robin's chest

The scene was really gorey so I stayed like this

Robin put his hand on my head and started playing with my hair while laughing at me

After all the gore was over I sat back up a bit

I laid my head on Robin's shoulder as he wrapped his arm back around me

We kept watching the movie and I eventually fell asleep


I woke up to Robin shaking me

"Come on wake up! We gotta get to school, or at least get ready" he said still shaking me

"Ok in up!" I said stuffing my head into the pillow

I got up and look down at the bandage Robin had put on my arm yesterday

It was covered in a bunch of old blood

"Hey Robin.. should we change these?" I ask showing him the bandage

"Oh shit, yeah" he says going to grab more from the bathroom

He changes my bandage and my start putting our shose on to head to school

We leave the house and start walking to school

On our way we see Finney and Gwen also walking to school

We run up to then and start chatting

We all catch up and they hadn't even asked about my limp, or my arms

Maybe it was gonna be a good day after all

You walk into school and head to your first class which was science

You had It with Finn and Robin

You didn't really know what you were doing so you asked him

"What the heck are we supposed to do? I was not paying attention.." I say

"Were supposed to get lab partners" he says

Just then a girl walked up to him

"Do you need a partner?" She asked

"What? Oh no.. I mean, yeah.. I don't have a partner.. but.." Funney said stuttering

"Cool, can I sit here? We can start working on our science" she said

"Yeah, cool" Finnney Saud looking all nervous

I looked around for Robin and walked up to him

"Wanna be my partner?"

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