What a punch

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"Ok, fine!" I said walking toward the park

I sat on one of the swings and started swinging

"Well come on!" I say jesturing for the rest if them to come

Robin ran over to the second swing before anyone else could

That was the only other swing and it was really funny to see everyone complain about it

We started swinging while everyone else was somewhere else

"So.. why did you move here?" Robin asked

"Uhmm... rude!" I say sarcastically

"No no! Not like that! I mean like.. why did you decide to move here.." he asked looking around

"My dad decided.. me and my brother didn't really have a say in it" I say looking down

"Oh.. I'm sorry" Robin says putting his hand on my thigh

I got so many butterflies

We kept talking and then Bruce came over

"Hey Robin, can I have a turn now!?" He said in a whiney voice

"Fine!" Robin said getting up

Robin went over to Finn and Gwen and Bruce sat down next to me

"So! How are you?" Bruce asked

"Good!" I say

"So I gotta ask... who did you fight that they did that to you?" Bruce asked pointing at my arms

"Oh uhh... just a uh.. a girl, when I was walking home.." I say obviously lying

"Ok..." Bruce says skeptical

There was kinda a awkward silence after that

I knew he didn't belive me

But I didn't think he knew the truth

**Time skip//8:00**

It was late and getting pretty dark outside

Bruce had already went home but everyone else was still here

We were all playing hide and seek and I was hiding in the bushes

Robin was it and I could hear him walking toward me

I was getting scared he would find me

He kept calling everyone's names and I was holding back laugher

"Y/N! FINNEY!? ANYBODY!! PLEASE COME OUT!" He kept yelling

I thought since he was so close it was the perfect opportunity to scare the shit out of him!

I started making creepy noises

I started moving around in the bushes to make noise

"Hello...?" Robin said in a scared voice

"Robin" I whisper in a creepy voice

I jump out of the bushes at him

He screamed and punched me by accident

I fell to the ground and held my nose

"SHIT Y/N! IM SO SORRY! YOU SCARRD THE SHIT OUT OF ME" Robin said clearly feeling really bad

"I'm ok!" I say getting up slowly

"Here!" Robin said putting his hand out to help me up

I took his hand and stood up

"Shit!" He said looking at me

"What?" I ask

"Your bleeding.." he said

"Shit really!?" I ask

I put my fingure over my nose and it was bleeding really bad

I started feeling really dizzy and my vision started going blurry

"Hey Y/n are you okay..?" Robin said concerned

I didn't say anything before falling

Robin caught me so I didn't hit the ground

I was still conscious but couldn't get up


I saw Finney running over

"Holy shit!" Finn said

"What happened!?" He asked

"Long story just help me!" Robin said

They carried me to the slides and laid me down

I started waking up a bit

When I opened my eyes I saw Finney, Gwen, and Robin talking

I sat up and Robin saw me

"Hey.." he said sitting next to me

Finney and Gwen were walking away

"Where are they going?" I asked

"Home" Robin said

"Oh.." I say

"Yeah, I got you this" Robin said giving me a rag with warm water and a bag of candy

"Where did you get this?" I ask laughing

"Convinient store, Yeah you were out cold for 30 minutes so I asked Finn and Gwen to watch you while a grabbed you some stuff" Robin said

"Oh, thank you" I say smiling at him

"Yeah.. sorry for punching you" he said looking at me smiling

"Sorry for scaring you..." I say looking at him and smiling

We looked into eachother's eyes and he put his hand on my cheek

"Jesus.. I have a strong punch" he said

"Yeah, you sure do" I say sarcastically

Robin rolled his eyes


And kissed me

We were like this for a little while

We both pulled away and smiled at eachother

I couldn't hold in my laugher and started giggling

Robin joined and started giggling with me

But then he looked behind me and his smile dropped

"What?" I ask

I look behind me and see a man walking toward us

He was coming from his black van..

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