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I pull away and smile

*Time skip//Night**

Me and Robin were laying on his bed

He was playing with my hair and it was so cute

"You staying overnight?" Robin asked looking at me

"If that's ok" I say looking up at him

"Of course!" He said then kissed my head

I got so many butterflies

Their was a knock on the door

"Come in" Robin said

Fernando walked in

"Hey uh.. can I talk to you in private for a sec?" He asked

"Uhh.. sure!" He says

"*be right back*" Robin whispered getting up

I smile and he walks towards the door

He and Fernando left and Fernando gave me a sad look as he closed the door

I got a little worried but tried to brush it off.

I was waiting for a while and couldn't help but actually get worried


I went outside with Fernando

He gave me his "somethings wrong" face

"What happened?" I ask worried

"It's about dad..." Fernando said in a sad tone

"What about him" I say worried

"I just got a call, and uhm.."

"And? And what!?" I say getting a little mad

"He's not doing well" Fernando says putting his head down

I felt my eyes start to water

"Come downstairs" Fernando said putting his hand on my back

I walk downstairs with him and my ant was sitting on the couch

"Hi mija.." she says

I sit down

"So me and your brother were going to go to the hospital..." my ant says

"Why" I say now with more tears in my eyes

"We got a call from the hospital that your father was doing much worse then last week..." my ant says

I tear rolls down my face

"You wanna come with us? Or stay here with Y/n?" Fernando asks

"No no! I'm coming with you guys" I say wiping the tears off my face

I get up and go back upstairs

I go to my room and open the door


The door opens and Robin walks in

It looked like he had been crying

I got up

"What happened?" I ask worried

"My dad.." Robin said as tears filled his eyes

I gave him a sympathetic look and hugged him

He hugged me tightly and started crying

It broke my heart.

Someone opened the door

It was Fernando

"Hey, were about to go" he said

Robin let go

He wiped his tears and grabbed his phone off his bed

"Y/n.. wanna come?" Fernando asked

"Come where?" I ask

"Hospital..." Robin said in a shakey voice

I let out a sad sigh

"Yeah" I say grabbing my phone

We all go downstairs and get our shoes on

We get into the car and start going to the hospital

Robin layed his head on my shoulder in worry

I played with his hair in hopes to calm him down

We got to the hospital and Robin quickly got up

His ant parked the car and Robin and Fernando quickly left the car

They ran into the hospital

"Hi! Were here to see Victor Arellano" Fernando said

"Ok, uhmm... follow me" the lady at the front desk said

She took us to his room

Robin thanked her and went up to the door

Fernando went to grab something from the vending machine

Robin went into the room

His dad was on the bed with a airway tube down his throat

It was hard to see Robins dad this way

I looked over at him and his eyes were watering

I went up to him and hugged him from behind

He held my hands and started crying

I sat him down on the chair and hugged him

I put my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me

Fernando walked in

He looked at his dad and put his hand on his dad's

He closed his eyes

He couldn't look at him

It was hard to watch

A nurse walked in

"Oh hi! You must be the Arellano's" she said looking at her clipboard

"Yeah" Fernando said in a sad tone

Robin wiped the tear off his face and stood up

"How is he?" Robin asked playing with his figures nervously

"He's not doing well... his illness is spreading.." the nurse said

Robin looked down and I could see a tear fall to his shirt

"Their is a procedure that could save your father though.." the nurse said

"What? Really?" Robin said with hope

"Yes.. however, it's quite expensive" the nurse said

Robin looked at his ant

Then back to the nurse

"How much?" Fernando asks

"Tem thousand dollars" the nurse said

Robin threw his head back in disappointment

But I was filled with happiness

"We could only pay half of something like that" Robins ant says

"Then only pay half" I say

"What?" Robin asks

"If you pay half I could pay the rest, trust me! I have a lot of savings and this is a good way to use them" I say

"No.. hun I couldn't do that... that's to much money" Robins ant says

"No I don't mind I'm seriouse! I want to help" I say

"Are you sure?" Robin asked

"Of course! I want to help your dad get out of here" I say

"Ok.. that could work" Fernando says

"Ok. I'll book him a room for surgery now" the nurse says leaving the room.

"I Love You".   Robin Arellano × Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now