"you'll be okay"

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Robin had fallen asleep on me

I couldn't really sleep

Fernando came downstairs

"Oh.. hey" he said

"Hey" I say giving him a faint smile

"He ok?" He asked pointing at Robin

"I don't think so.." I say looking at Robin

"Are you?" I ask

There was a bit of silence

"No.." he says

Fernando got some food and went back upstairs

I had an idea

I quietly got up

I grabbed my wallet and put my shoes on

The gas station nearby had a 24h convenient store

I went there and bought some of Robin and Fernandos favorite snacks

I went back and saw Robin still sleeping

It's was almost 5

I sat back down next to Robin and put my arm around him

I play with his hair and smile at him

He starts waking up a little

I looks at me with mostly closed eyes

He puts his head back down and cuddles into me

He wraps his arms around me and I smile

I look at him and keep playing with his hair

He looked at me again and gave me a very faint smile

I feel so bad for him

I give him a soft kiss on his head and lay my head on his

**Time skip//Couple hours later**

It's now around 8:20AM

Robin started slowly waking up

He looks up at me

"Hey" he said in a sad tone

"How you doing?" I ask still playing with his hair

"Not great" he says

"Yeah.. need anything? I can get you some breakfast if you want" I say trying to comfort him

"No, I just want you to stay here with me" he says putting his hand on my cheek

I smile and kiss his cheek

He looks at me and smiles

He looks into my eyes and then my lips

He puts his hand on my hair

He looks back at my eyes and pulls me in

He kisses me

We pull away and smile

"Ew" I heard from the kitchen

I jump away from Robin

Fernando smiled at us from the kitchen

I laugh a little and get up

A couple seconds later everyone goes back to sad faces

I go up to my backpack and grab the snacks I bought

I threw them at Robin and Fernando

"Merry christmas" I say

"Thank you" Robin said giving a small smile

"Yeah, thanks" Fernando says

"Yeah, no problem" I say

I sit back down next to Robin

"I'm gonna go" Fernando says

"Ok, bye" Robin says

Fernando goes upstairs

"Can we go to my room?" Robin asks

"Of course" I say

I grab my bag and follow Robin upstairs

We get to his room and he lays down

He puts his pillow over his face

I sit next to him

I hold his hand trying to calm him down a bit

He squeezes my hand really tight

I could hear him crying under the pillow

I rub his head

I hate seeing him like this

"I hate everything" Robin said crying and muffled cause the pillow

"You'll be okay" I say rubbing his hand with my thumb

He just kept crying

I layed down and put my arm around him

I snuggled Into him and hugged him

"Could you go to Finns house to tell him what's going on? He'll be worried I'm not at school" Robin said lifting the pillow off his face

"Of course" I say wiping the tears off his face

I check the time and see it's 9:13AM meaning Finns probably awake

"Want me to go now?" I ask

"Yeah" Robin says

I get up and grab my bag

I say bye to Robin and head out

I started walking to Finneys and  got there around 10 minutes later

I knock and Finn answers

"Hey! What's up?" He asks

"We need to talk.." I say

"Ok.. come in" he says opening the door wider, then closing It as I walked in

We walked upstairs to Finneys room and sit down

"So what's up?" He asks

"It's about Robin..." I say

"What about him?" Finn asks

"His.." I hesitate

"His....?" Finn says

"His dad... he died" I say looking down

"What..." Finn says with a sad look on his face

"Yeah, so he won't be at school for a bit" I say

"Ok.. is he doing okay?" He asked genuinely

"I don't think so.." I say back

"Is he going to be okay?" He asked

"I don't know..." I say as tears started forming In my eyes

Finn pulled me in and hugged me

I started silently crying on his shoulder

He was rubbing my back to comfort me

It was nice to know I could talk to someone

And it was nice to know that someone was Finn.

"I Love You".   Robin Arellano × Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now