Not so hapily ever after

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I sit back down on Robins bed

"Hi again" he says

"Hi" I say

"You okay?" He asks

"Yeah.. why wouldn't I be?" I ask

"Just asking.. making sure, you know?" He says

"Yeah, thanks" i say

They're was a silence after that

I finally spoke up

"I think I have to go home today" I say

"What? Are you crazy!" Robin says

"I have to! I can't have my dad find me.. it would be better if I just went home" I say

"Ok.. if that's what you want to do, you do it" he says playing with my hair

I smile and grab out my phone

I see a text


- " Your arm is mint!😉 "
- " We should play again! Your good "

I smile and put my phone away

"What time you wanna go?" Robin asks

"Around 8:00PM probably" I say

"Ok" he said as he plays with my hair

**Time skip//7:34PM**

It was getting later and later

I had to get going home

"Robin, I'm gonna go" i say

"You sure?" He asks

"Yeah.. i have to go home at some point right?" I say

"I guess.." he says

I stood up and so did he

He pulled me into a hug

"If anything happens just call me okay?" He says

"Yeah, of course" I say

I pull away and give Robin a soft kiss on the cheek before heading downstairs

I put my shoes on and leave

I text Billy


- " Hey! I'm on my way home now, see you soon🫤 "
Deliverd 7:35PM

I put my phone away and keep walking home


I'm at home hiding in my room

Dad is really drunk and Vance and my step-mom aren't here right now

I dont want him doing anything to me

I look for my phone only to realize I left it in the bathroom earlier

I get up to go grab it

I see a text


- " Hey! I'm on my way home now, see you soon🫤 "
Seen 7:43PM

*no, no, no shit!*

*she sent this 8minutes ago.. she'll be here any second*


- " Hey! I'm on my way home now, see you soon🫤 "
Seen 7:43PM


but it was to late

I hear the door open

"I Love You".   Robin Arellano × Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now