Come Inside the House, You Make a Mess, I'll Kick You Out.

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"Okay, only two simple rules I'm going to set. One, no speaking to each other. Two, No feelings." Lloyd crouched down to the girl in front of him.

"No feelings? What type of rule is that? Why would I have feelings for you?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Exactly, so rule 2 should be easy to follow." Lloyd stood back up, put his hands in his pockets, and walked to his room, slamming the door behind him. The girl flinched a bit as she muttered to herself and went into her room, closing the door much softer than the former.

Harumi sighed to herself as she slid down to the floor across her wall. When she told her mother that she'd be getting her own apartment and moving out after turning 20, she didn't exactly have enough for a full one. So she had to share it with someone. Too bad it was moody and brooding Lloyd Garmadon.

She didn't know much about him, but from rumors and such, she guessed he was a scary kid back in high school who was pretty cold to most and didn't like talking at all, which explains rule 1.

"Why did I tell my mom I was ready to move out already," She groaned and slapped the top of her head as she thought back to this morning.


"Oh honey, please stay safe there," Her mother worriedly hugged her.

"Moooom, I'll be fine. It's just 20 mins away." Harumi smiled at her mother's affection. "I just don't understand; you have everything you could wish for here; you live in a mansion with a great inheritance!" Lydia shook her head.
"I want to explore the real world, experience things without daddy's money," Harumi explained. "I'll be fine, mom, I promise." She pulled her into a big hug. "I'll miss you so much; please make sure to call me!" Tears welled up in Lydia's eyes. "Aw, mom, don't cry... you're gonna make me cry!" Harumi laughed a bit.

"My daughter, going out to take the world head on!" A voice boomed, coming down the steps. "Hutchins has your things ready, Princess. I hope you will enjoy yourself." Harold pulled her into a hug. "Of course, daddy, I'll make sure I tell you all about it; plus, I'll be back home for Halloween!"

"Miss Jade, are you prepared to go?" Harumi nodded her head and made her way to the door. Hutchins stood at the door with her bags.

"Bye, mom, bye, dad! I'll see you again soon!" She left the door with Hutchins, and he loaded her bags into the car. "Have a safe trip, miss." He nodded and walked back into the mansion.

Harumi drove down the road and hummed to herself, barely able to contain her excitement. She had been to the apartment earlier this month to move furniture in, but she was never able to meet her roommate, the person who agreed to share with her. She arrived shortly at the apartment, looking at it with a smile and the sun beaming down on it with a welcoming glow.

"Excuse me." A giant arm pushed past her and almost made her lose her balance. The culprit didn't turn around or say sorry.

"Hey! You do know bumping into people is quite rude!" She yelled at the person. "That is why excuse me exists."

The boy turned around to face her. He was a light blonde with bright green eyes. He looked tired and stressed, and she could notice his weary face from where he was standing.

"I did say excuse me. You just didn't hear me," The boy responded to her accusations coldly. Harumi felt a shiver down her spine as he stared at her. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've had a long day; I will speak to you later." He continued up the stairs and the hall to go to his apartment.

What the hell was his problem? He looked really familiar, as she had seen him before, but she shrugged it off for now and went up to her floor.

"Let's see, Apt 302." Her eyes quickly darted to the right door, and a huge smile began to rise on her face as she opened the door. That smile soon dropped as she finally met her roommate standing at the door.

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