Being Human

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Just a little time... just a little something else instead....

The extent of Lloyd's happiness nowadays could be judged by how well things went in a day. His usual routine was not new, in fact, but when it had been it had taken a while for him to get used to so many good things. Going to work wasn't the worst thing in the world since he got to see his family every time he went in- the only thing he hated was having to deal with the occasional rude customer or client. Coming home to Harumi, who always had a hug and kiss waiting for him, was perhaps the best part of his day.

Harumi had taught him how to relax, told him it was okay to take things one day at a time, and was the root source of his happiest times. He would be forever grateful for how much she'd done for him in the time they'd known each other, but unfortunately, not even Harumi's bright aura could keep away the few dark thoughts that lingered in his mind. He thought about his childhood more often than he'd like to, and sometimes he'd come across a particularly terrible memory that made him want to gag. Knowing now how a child should grow up made it all the more horrifying to think about the things he'd been through.

He thought about his father often. No matter how hard he tried, the old man couldn't stay out of his thoughts, whispering things to him that he shook off the best he could. Sometimes, if it got really bad, he'd talk to Harumi about it and she would offer words of comfort. Other times he would say something to his mother, but she tended to resort to violent, loud words in hope that it would encourage him to forget about the old bag.

Lloyd was very content- happy- with the life he was currently living. Some days were easier than others and that was okay.

Today had been normal, spent by Harumi's side after a day at work. He'd come home with news that Ray was able to give him a raise due to the amount of orders being placed by his clients lately. "Some collector just moved into town and she's been placing orders for delivery almost every week," Lloyd had explained, bouncing from foot to foot unconsciously as he boiled pasta noodles on the stove.

"That's great!" Harumi wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing a kiss onto his back. "Do you want to celebrate?"

"Just spending time with you is a good enough reward for me," he insisted, lifting the spoon out of the pot and blowing on one of the macaroni noodles before reaching back, offering it to Harumi to try; it was her favorite part of making noodles.

She happily took it, hissing a little when the small bit of food burned her tongue.

"I always tell you to wait a second for it to cool," Lloyd chuckled, feeling her release him to bounce the noodle from hand to hand.

"I know, I know!" she griped, popping it in her mouth again once she deemed it cool enough for her. "Tastes soft enough to me!"

Lloyd was just about to strain the water when he heard his phone ringing from the living room.

"I'll get it!" Harumi offered, making her way out of the kitchen as Lloyd continued to prepare their dinner. "It's Ray!"

"You can answer it," Lloyd called to her, humming to himself.

He heard Harumi greet his father in her usual chipper way, and he mostly tuned out the conversation as he focused on the hot dishes he was handling. It was only when Harumi came back into the kitchen, holding the phone out to Lloyd with a worried expression. "He said he needs to talk to you. It sounds important."

Lloyd cocked an eyebrow at her, setting the pot into the sink before grabbing the phone from her. "Can you finish this?"

Harumi nodded, taking the wooden spoon from him as he raised the phone to his ear, trailing across the tile floor and onto the wood of the living room. "Hey Ray."

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