I Gotta See My Ceiling With Those I Trust

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"So..." Lloyd's voice startled Harumi out of her thoughts. They both leaned against opposite sides of the counter in the kitchen, facing each other. It was only a few minutes after their awkward exchange outside Harumi's bedroom, and Harumi had dragged him to the kitchen, telling him they needed to talk.

"I wanted to apologize for pushing you out of my room last night," she started. "You didn't do anything wrong, you just did what I asked you to do."

"Yeah, I was a little confused at first," Lloyd admitted. "But I think I get why it happened- I mean, I know you didn't mean to, uh-" He cut himself off, seemingly not wanting to say the word."Of course not," Harumi affirmed. "I thought you'd be uncomfortable, and honestly, it was just embarrassing." She slid a hand down her face, her eyes avoiding him.

"I get being embarrassed about it, but why would I be uncomfortable?" Lloyd asked. "If I hadn't wanted to do something, I would have told you. Plus, I think it just shows on my part how great I am with those massages," he joked, sending her a playful smirk that made her giggle.

"I guess you're right. I just... I don't know- I've never really had any guy friends do that, or be in my room besides Cole, Jay, Zane, and your brother, and my past experiences with boys just showed how easily they could be douchebags or weirded out. I didn't want that to happen with you." Harumi sighed. Lloyd looked at the counter, seemingly lost in thought. "Why not?"

Harumi finally looked up at him. "Because... I consider you my friend." She paused for a bit. "If you're okay with that." Lloyd breathed in deeply, running a hand through his freshly combed hair. "Yeah... I'm okay with that." He finally looked at her again, making eye contact. "I think I want to be your friend."

A short grin came on Harumi's face. "Yeah?"

Lloyd nodded, allowing himself a small smile as well. "Yeah."

Harumi laughed a little, punching his shoulder across the counter. "Then it's settled, roomie. We're besties now!"

"I don't know about besties," he groaned, but his grin gave him away, regardless of his bad attempt trying to hide it.

"It's too late now, Garmadon. We're besties for life!" Harumi teased in his face.

Lloyd watched her, shaking his head at her antics.

Harumi stopped, supporting herself against the counter again as her head spun. "There is something I wanted to ask you, though." He looked at her expectantly. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to, I'm just curious, but... what happened to your hands?"

Lloyd stiffened, his hands clenching against the edge of the counter.

Harumi put her hands up. "You don't have to answer! I was just wondering. Last night was the first time I've seen your hands since we moved in, and it made me curious."

Lloyd was silent, looking down at his gloved hand. He rubbed the palm with his other hand before removing the glove, revealing his scarred hand to her. For a second he just looked at it, but then he offered it to her.

She hesitated before taking it gently in her own, tracing the scars carefully with her index finger. "Dude..."

"I know," Lloyd murmured, watching her.

"What happened...?" She turned his hand over in hers, much like he'd done with her when he looked at the cut on her arm.

"It's a long story," Lloyd said. "I'm... not sure if I want to explain it yet."

"It's okay, you don't have to, I'll leave it alone." She assured him. They stared at each other for a bit until Lloyd decided to speak up. "Remember that night we argued about jobs?"

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