Can't Sabotage My Love For Nothing

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"Excuse me?" Lloyd raised an eyebrow at the girl at the counter.

"Yeah, I think you should come! It would be cool to have you eat with my friends, and they're kinda your friends too." Harumi said over the counter as she rested her head in her hand. She had decided to come to Lloyd's job to share a suggestion from Pixal they should all meet up.

"I don't know... doesn't Skylor hate me?" Lloyd asked as he sorted through some mail, separating important mail from advertisements.

"She doesn't hate you," Harumi rolled her eyes, reaching over to grab a pamphlet for a Korean restaurant that Lloyd had put into the 'trash' pile, saving it for later. "Well, okay, maybe she hates you a little bit. But she'll warm up to you!" she quickly backtracked upon seeing Lloyd's disgruntled face. "She just has to see how well we're getting along now, and she'll lighten up."

Lloyd eyed her skeptically. "I just feel like this whole thing could end very badly."

"It won't," Harumi promised him. "Besides, your old team would be there too! Don't you want to see them?"

"It's been years since I ran with them," Lloyd nodded, looking off to the side as the bell chimed above the door, signaling a customer entering the shop. "I'll think about it, alright? No promises."

"I'll take it!" Harumi pumped her fist excitedly, resituating her bag over her shoulder.

Lloyd gave her a thumbs-up before walking over to greet the customer, an artificial smile plastered on his face that anyone who worked in customer service would recognize. Harumi grinned to herself, a visual of Lloyd's real smile floating in her mind. She liked to think that it was reserved for only his family and her, which made her insides feel warm.

Lloyd came home to find Harumi groaning on the floor with parts of a table everywhere. She was attempting to put two pieces together and yelled out in frustration at the box of the table.

"Dare I ask what the hell is going on here?" Lloyd said with a hint of amusement in his voice as he closed the door behind him.  "I was trying to put this table together, but apparently I really do suck at putting things together on my own." Harumi wiped the sweat off her forehead and sighed.

"I think you're good at some things. You can't be good at everything. You could have waited till I got home." Lloyd crouched next to her and chuckled.

"But I started so long ago, and if I had waited from then until you got home it would have been five hours, and there's no way I'd be able to remember that I wanted to set up the table five hours after the original idea, so I tried doing it by myself."

"You've been sitting here trying to put it together for five hours? " Lloyd eyes widened slightly, his eyebrows raising.

"Oh, just leave me to wallow in my sorrow," Harumi droned dramatically, throwing an arm over her eyes and falling backward to lay on the ground, facing the ceiling.

Lloyd stood back up  over the girl, looking down at her. "Let me shower, then I'll help you."

"Don't bother; we're cursed to live in an apartment with nothing but this shell of a table!" Harumi kicked lazily at the now-empty box with her foot.

Lloyd rolled his eyes, attempting and failing to contain a smile. "Give me a few minutes."

He showered and threw on a pair of sweatpants, pulling a t-shirt over his head as he exited his room. Harumi was still laying on the hardwood floor, arm draped over her face, and it almost looked like she had fallen asleep.

Lloyd sat next to her, careful not to sit on any of the little pieces scattered about. "Let's see here..." He grabbed the instructions from Harumi's grasp.

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