Why All the Choices That I Make Tear Us Apart

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"He said thanks?" Skylor raised an eyebrow as she slurped her slushy. "Yeah, I know, right?" Harumi responded, still confused from this morning's events. The smell of the cafe attacked her nose as she listened to Cole and Kai argue about something from across the table, most likely about food. "Can you two quiet down." Skylor whipped her head to the two boys and glared at them. They both shut up, making Harumi giggle a bit. "I mean, at least he thinks you're worth something." Kai shrugged as he turned to face Harumi, pushing Cole away from his piece of cake.

"What's even going on? I'm so lost here because nobody is telling me anything!" Cole huffed and crossed his arms.

"Harumi moved in with Lloyd, Cole." Kai rolled his eyes at his best friend. "Lloyd? Wow, that sounds fun." Cole replied, sarcasm scratching the tone of his voice. "It's something. Fun is not one of them." Harumi sighed. "He yelled at me about a brush! A brush Cole!"

Kai laughed a bit, knowing that Lloyd had told him about that exact situation earlier.
"Look, Harumi, give him time. I know he's not the friendliest person, but I'm sure, in time, he'll become your best friend, preferably one that WON'T STEAL YOUR CAKE?" Kai whipped his head to Cole, who had taken the cake from under Kai's nose and began to eat it without his knowledge. "Oh, that DOES IT." Kai lunged at Cole and tried taking it back from him as Cole held it away from his reach, frantically shaking his head for Kai to stop. He was not giving that cake up so easily.

Harumi looked back to Skylor, who was rolling her eyes at the boys. She looked very pretty sometimes, but Harumi rubbed it off. She had already messed that up between them. She was with Kai now, which would make things much weirder. She was quickly snapped out of thought when a hand touched her shoulder.

"Woah!" She turned around to see Nya and Jay waving at her. "You two almost gave me a heart attack!" She grabbed her chest and tried to regain her breath.

"Sorry, Rumi, you seemed stuck in a trance." Jay took a seat next to her, and Nya sat beside him.

"And then there were six." Kai got his cake back from Cole and turned to face his sister and Jay. "So, what's going on here? I heard Harumi is having Lloyd problems." Jay chuckled. "Okay, why do all of you know him so much except me?" Harumi looked around the table with a frustratingly confused expression. "He was on our track team; that's kind of how Ray and Maya came to adopt him," Cole explained.

"You'd think I'd remember that."

"He was reticent."

"Whatever. I'm determined to get it to at least be civil in our apartment!" Harumi raised her fist.

"Your determination is going to get the best of you, Rumi. Please don't try too hard. We don't want a repeat of-"Nya began but quickly shut herself down as Harumi's face faltered into a frown.

"Shit, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to bring that up." Nya apologized. "No, you're just worried about me; it's okay. I got too full of myself last time and looked where that got me; I lost someone very special to me because of my... past. I promise I won't push him too hard," Harumi responded. Nya and Kai smiled at her and nodded. Skylor looked to the side a bit, knowing that the special someone Harumi mentioned was her, and Cole knew it too, patting her on the back.

They sat and talked for a while until Jay tapped his watch. "Ah, Nya and I have to head out; see you soon!" The couple got out of their seats and waved bye to the other four. 

"I guess we'll head out too. Can you take Cole home, Harumi? I don't think I can't take these two in my car again." Skylor groaned. Harumi nodded at her and waved bye to the two as they walked off. Cole noticed her sad smile as the pair left the cafe.

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