Random Thoughts In My Head

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WARNING! This chapter contains smut. If you are not interested in seeing that sort of thing, but still want to read the book, I will put places for you to stop, and resume (unless its the rest of the chapter then just skip to the end after the warning) Enjoy the chapter!


"She peeled off the numbers?" Cole's voice boomed across the table, earning laughs from each of its occupants, excluding Harumi, who just sank further into the booth. Lloyd had finally agreed to go out for a meal with Harumi and her friends, which she was initially super hyped for, but the moment that Lloyd said a single word to Cole, the pair had been sharing embarrassing stories about Harumi that they had the privilege of witnessing in their time of knowing her.

"I get it, okay? It was a dumb decision and apparently everyone except for me knows what the numbers on furniture pieces means," Harumi groaned, tilting her head back in frustration.

"Aw, stop making fun of poor Rumi, although it is pretty funny." Skylor contained a laugh herself while trying to defend Harumi.

"Should have been in my place, it was more than a little funny seeing her have a tantrum on the floor." Lloyd smirked as he held his sandwich out, leading Harumi to snatch it from his hand and bite it.

"Now I get to bite your sandwich everytime you make fun of me." She glared at him and wiped her mouth. "Being rich doesn't get you everything,"

"So, have you talked to Griffin or Shade at all since high school?" Pixal asked the blonde haired boy.

Lloyd looked down at his plate sheepishly. "I haven't really made an attempt, if I'm being honest. Don't get me wrong, I loved being on the team with you guys, but I wasn't the best at social interaction. I didn't really know how to... be friends with people." He twirled his straw in his drink as he spoke, not meeting anyone's eyes. "I really wanted to reach out and talk to you all, but I just... couldn't bring myself to do it."

Harumi looked at Lloyd sympathetically and reached over, grabbing his hand gently under the table and squeezing it, receiving one from him in return.

"It was probably just my past rearing its big head in my mind; it made it difficult for me to know who actually liked me and who was just pretending," he explained, looking up at them now. "I wanted to... start over, if we could. I want to be you guys' friend, if you'd let me."

"I don't know," Skylor said with mock-skepticism. "The last time we saw each other you made fun of my hair."

"Well, you called me an idiot and made fun of my room, so I'd say you got your revenge," Lloyd said, eyebrows raised with a coy grin. He reached his free hand across the table, holding it out for Skylor to shake. She eyed him for a moment before accepting the gesture after seeing Kai's pleading eyes. It was his brother after all, her grip firm as she did a business-like shake.

"Yes!" Harumi yelled, nearly knocking Lloyd out of the booth with a bear-hug. "Now my friends are all friends!"

Lloyd tried to push her back, attempting to squirm out of her grip. "Can't breathe."

"So are you two dating or something?" Jay randomly asked. Harumi almost spit out her drink as he received glares from the rest of the table.

"W-what?" She sputtered, wiping her mouth with a paper towel.

"Jay, you don't just ask that out of nowhere you dolt!" Kai angrily whispered to him, refraining from hitting Jay on the back of his head.

"I was just wondering!" Jay put his hands up in defense, as he saw nothing wrong with what just happened.

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