I'd Rather Feed My Feelings With Those I Love

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"Do you think our first date should be a double-date?" Harumi glanced over at Lloyd as he laid out on her bed, scrolling through his phone while she sat at her desk completing some work. "We could go somewhere with Skylor and Kai."

"Mmm... maybe it should just be the two of us. It'll be our first, after all." Lloyd's eyes left the screen for a second to look at his girlfriend.

"Yeah, you're right. We can save the double-date for another time," Harumi agreed, putting down her pen and turning her desk chair to face the bed. "What about the movies?" She then backtracked. "Wait, no, we already watch a ton of movies here... Maybe dinner somewhere?"

Lloyd placed his phone on the side table next to the bed. "We can do whatever you want. I'm not so good at these things."

"And you think I am?" Harumi mused with a lopsided grin. "I've never had an actual boyfriend before; I don't know what you think would be a good first date."

"I'm okay with whatever you wanna do," Lloyd insisted. "So long as it's just us going this first time."

Harumi nodded, leaning forward in her chair in thought. "Maybe we could do an escape room? No, that would be way more fun with our friends..."

Lloyd listened to her talk to herself, amused by her indecisiveness. It was clear that she wanted this first date to be the perfect activity, which he thought was adorable. "Come lay down; you'll be able to think better that way."

"I think you just want an excuse to hold me," Harumi accused him with a grin, standing up and complying with his request. She crawled onto the bed, draping herself over Lloyd and resting her head on his chest. "You are warm, though. I guess it'll do."

Lloyd placed a hand on her back with a smile, looking down at her. "You're warm, too. Except for your feet. Keep those icicles away from me."

Harumi raised her head and stuck her tongue out at him, kicking her feet in the air.

Lloyd tugged her up closer to him so he could place a kiss on her forehead, earning a content hum out of her. She shimmied up a bit more to capture his lips in her own, smiling as he reciprocated and cupped her face in his hands. She wrapped her arms under his midsection, drawing herself as close to him as she could.

Lloyd slid a hand down to her side, snaking his arm around her waist and flipping them over gently, earning a giggle out of her. He moved his lips to brush over her throat, gently kissing the place where her vocal cords would be.

Harumi tilted her head back, relaxing against her pillow. "It's late; we should go to bed."

"Oh yeah?" Lloyd continued his ministrations, humming against her neck and rubbing her sides under her shirt with his thumbs, making her shift and wrap her arms around his waist, clenching his shirt in her hands and holding him against her. "Safe word?"

Harumi bit her lip, tilting her head to the side. Lloyd grinned, moving his hands up her sides and reveling in the warmth under her clothes. "No?"

"I trust you," Harumi murmured in amusement, pushing her own hands under his t-shirt and running them over the scars along his back.

Lloyd reciprocated by moving his hand over the scar that wrapped from her hip to her stomach, tracing it gently. He lifted his head to smile up at her. "You are so beautiful."

Harumi blushed, tilting her face away from him. "Come on, now..."

"You don't believe me?" Lloyd shifted down so he could push her shirt up and place a chaste kiss on the scar, holding her sides as he laid between her legs. "Because it's true. You really are beautiful, all of you."

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