Don't Saturate My Love For Some Respect, I Cannot Vouch

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It was late in the evening, around 8:00. Harumi was scrolling through social media on her phone, looking for different designs through Ninjstagram. Suddenly, she heard a quiet knock on her door, making her jolt out of her thoughts and turn to it. She didn't remember ordering anything, but maybe Lloyd was trying to give her a package she missed.

She set down her phone and rushed to the door, confirming her theory of Lloyd being there. Except he wasn't holding a package for her, he had a book and a plush in his hands. He looked up at her with a confused expression.

"What is this? Is it for me?"

Harumi looked at the items in his hands and scratched the back of her neck. "Yeah, It's for you. It's a dragon plush and a book about dragons..."


"I dunno. Kai told me you really liked them and you had a book about them before you moved to Ninjago City. It's probably not the same book, but it's the best one I could find. I was hoping you would like it..." She explained.

Lloyd looked at the plush and hugged it for a second, tucking it into his arms. "I don't have anything for you, though."

"You don't have to; it's a gift." Harumi smiled up at him. "Call it a 'thank you for patching up my arm." Lloyd looked down at her. "That wasn't anything special," He insisted, but his eyes glanced down at her arm. "Did it heal up alright, though?"

Harumi raised her wrist, looking at her arm. The cut hadn't healed all the way yet, but it looked significantly better and had shrunk enough that she didn't need gauze anymore. "Yeah, it's almost gone. I might have a scar, though."

Lloyd's brows furrowed. "Are you keeping it clean?" "I mean, I'm washing my hands a normal amount, and it hasn't opened up again." Harumi lowered her hand to cross her arms over her chest.

Lloyd nodded. "I hope it doesn't scar."

"Why?" Harumi tilted her head at him curiously. "It isn't a bad thing, so long as it heals fine."

Lloyd stared at her for a bit in silence before turning away and scratching the back of his head. "It's really late, and I don't think you've eaten. Should we eat now?" Harumi looked up at him with an amused expression, almost not believing what she had just heard. "We? As in, me and you?"

"Ugh, yes. I mean, if you want to... Like I mean, if- since you wanted- uh- you were always trying to get me to eat, I thought- STOP LAUGHING AT ME!" Lloyd continued to fumble his words as Harumi giggled at him. He was trying, but he was awful at it. She couldn't contain her happiness to the point where she jumped up and dragged Lloyd to the kitchen, pulling out her phone.

'Wait you're not cooking this time?" Lloyd tilted his head. "No, I don't really have much to make anything with," Harumi explained. "Damn... and I really liked the sushi." Lloyd sighed. Harumi was almost vibrating.

"You like my cooking! That's the first time anyone has ever said that to me!" She exclaimed. "I meant- yeah. Yeah, I did." Lloyd didn't want to ruin her mood by trying to deny it. It was nice seeing her happy up close.

"There's no denying it now!" Harumi cooed in a sing-song voice as she pranced her way around the kitchen. "You like my cooking!"

Lloyd just rolled his eyes.

"You ate quite a lot of it," Harumi smirked at him as she leaned against the counter, scrolling through restaurants on her phone. "What are you in the mood for?"

After a good while, Lloyd and Harumi were sitting on the couch, eating fried shrimp while scrolling for a movie to watch.

"Oooh! Let's watch that one!" Harumi pointed at a romantic comedy, much to Lloyd's dismay. "No. I am not watching that!" He shook his head. "Whyyy? It looks so bad and funny!" Harumi groaned like a child next to him. "I'd rather watch your princess movies than whatever THAT is." Lloyd pointed a disgusted finger at the preview. "Why would you want to watch a bad movie anyways?"

Why All The Choices That I Make Leave Me With Scars?Where stories live. Discover now