I Feel Like Everyone I Meet Confuse My Heart

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The next few days had been very confusing for Lloyd and Harumi, even if they were comfortable with each other now and had a good level of trust, there was still tension in the air, but not upsetting tension, a specific kind that the two couldn't pinpoint just yet. Lloyd had started to get used to Harumi's physical affection, specifically holding his hand which she claimed she did with "all her friends including the guy ones". Lloyd had a feeling she was lying, but he didn't mind. He had started to like being close to her, but he didn't like what could come out of it. He had a feeling it would lead to something more, and after last time, he never wanted to try again.

Harumi wasn't as quiet or taking it as lightly as him. Every night when they went into their separate rooms, she would scream into her bed and bang her head into the wall. After she pulled that move the night Lloyd told her his backstory, it was hard to look him in the eye without internally exploding.

She was so lost in thought she almost ran right into someone's grave, but Lloyd pulled her back and looked down at her. "Gotta be careful there, don't want to disrupt the dead."

"Sorry, I've just been thinking about stuff." She shrugged. "What type of stuff?" He asked. Harumi waved him off and tried to leave it at nothing, which Lloyd understood the memo and decided to drop it.

Lloyd wanted to show Harumi where he'd go if he wasn't at work, they seemed to be at a nice graveyard. Lloyd came here often to talk to his mother, his birth mother. He loved Maya a lot, but he still had a special connection with his birth mother, and Maya understood.

They came across a grave with "Misako Montgomery Garmadon" written across it, a blurred picture of a woman with Orange hair.

"Here she is. She was so lively, kind. She gave everything for me. Everything I have now wouldn't be possible without her." Lloyd slightly smilled. He kneeled down to the stone.

"Hey mom. This is Harumi. She's my... friend. I feel like you would have loved her, she's kind to everyone she meets, and never gave up on me, no matter how many times I pushed her away..." Lloyd motioned for Harumi to kneel next to him.

"Your mom was very pretty," Harumi said. "Erm, Hi Miss Garmadon. I'm who Lloyd was talking about, yep that's me! Um, I really wish I could have met you. You should be so proud of your son. He's amazing, a little hard to get to, but that's not his fault. He's respectful, smart, funny. I'm sure you were all of those too. It's a pleasure to meet you." She finished.

Lloyd looked at her and smiled, and a blush rose across her face. "You're sure you're just telling this to my mom?" Lloyd smirked, making Harumi become even more flustered.

"It was nice talking to you again mom. I'll see you next week." Lloyd kissed his fingers and planted them on the grave. "Here, go crank up the car, I'll be there shortly." He handed Harumi the keys and she began to walk off to the car.

Lloyd stood up and began to walk around, looking at all the plants and different graves, he was looking at a tree when he accidentally bumped into someone, yet his quick reflexes allowed him to grab the person's arm before they hit the ground.

"I'm so sorr- Martin?" Lloyd looked to see an older man, brushing himself off.

"Lloyd! It's good to see you again! Been practicing that guitar right?" Martin asked. "Yes sir! Thanks for teaching me how to get back on the swing of things again." Lloyd shook the man's hand. "It was no problem, love helping Maya and Ray, and finally getting to meet the youngest Smith." Martin smiled.

Lloyd thought for a moment, then wanted to ask Martin something.

"You know Harumi right?" Lloyd asked. "Yes, I used to work for her father's company until I was fired, now I am a grave keeper here," Martin explained.

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