My moral what I stand on, so I got up and I bounced

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After several s'mores and a few more drinks from everyone- the group had eventually migrated to the house, most of them passed out on the furniture. Harumi's parents laid down in their room, Kai and Skylor laid out on the armchair, Nya and Jay passed out on one couch and Pixal and Zane on the other. Cole was laid out on the floor and Lloyd had fallen asleep sitting up against the side of the armchair and was only awoken when Harumi's weight suddenly scrambled away from him.

He could faintly hear a pattering of fast footsteps, and when he blinked open his eyes, he could see the light in the bathroom flick on before the door shut. He stood up slowly, popping his muscles before making his way over to the bathroom, and he could distinctly hear Harumi throwing up on the other side of the door. He slowly turned the knob, pushing open the door gently.

Rumi was on her knees, emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet. He instinctively crouched next to her, brushing the short tufts of hair out of her eyes and holding the little bit she had back and out of her way. "Just get it all out," he told her softly.

This continued for another minute or so in-between dry heaves, and eventually Harumi reached up and flushed the toilet. "Can you shut the door?" she murmured.

Lloyd stood, closing the door quietly. "The tequila didn't sit well with the s'mores, I'm guessing?"

Harumi shook her head groggily, putting down the toilet lid and sitting on it, hunched over with her head in her hand.

Lloyd opened a few drawers until he found a washcloth, running cold water over it and wringing it out before moving back over to her. He crouched, looking up at her and reaching up to dab it against her forehead.

Harumi sniffled, wiping her eyes with a fist.

"Hey, hey, why are you crying?" Lloyd asked, taking her hand in his gingerly.

"I didn't want to get sick in front of you," Harumi mumbled in a watery voice, her words slurring together slightly. "It's kind of embarrassing..."

"It's okay," Lloyd assured her. "It happens."

Harumi took the rag from him, holding it against her forehead. "Well, at least you know you can't take me drinking on our first date," she chuckled.

"Yeah, for real." Lloyd tilted his head at her with a grin. "Though, we really need to get on that... Our first date."

"But a date would imply we were actually, y'know, dating, " Harumi reminded him.

"Yeah..." Lloyd stood up. "Come one, brush your teeth to get the taste out of your mouth."

With his help, Harumi stood up from the toilet. She took a spare toothbrush from the drawer and brushed her teeth thoroughly, twice, before washing her mouth out with mouthwash. "Can we lay down in my room?" Harumi asked tiredly.

"Of course." Lloyd opened the door and waited for her, but she just stood there, leaning against the counter. "Are you... okay?"

Harumi nodded. "Mhm... Carry me?"

"You are such a child," Lloyd sighed, shaking his head endearingly at her. He approached her and she wrapped her arms around his neck, falling against his body. Lloyd steadied her, picking her up by her sides and she wrapped her legs around his waist, latching onto him like a toddler being carried to their room at bedtime. As she rested her chin on his shoulder tiredly, Lloyd backed out of the bathroom.

It was still dark, but he could faintly see Lydia putting things away across the room. She was able to see them too, and gave a small smile and pressed a finger to her lips before she went back to what she was doing.

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